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  1. J

    Send me an email silkysweet(AT)

    Send me an email silkysweet(AT)
  2. J

    Heya man, Sorry had to leave group, too many floggers infiltrated it, I've found something...

    Heya man, Sorry had to leave group, too many floggers infiltrated it, I've found something reliable tried and tested, I cleared all my cookies and didn't register on reddit with an email! So I can't get back on to check pms... I'll reg another account and give you the details if you want. Peace
  3. J

    You need to set up your account to accept/allow pms! Drop us a line once you have!

    You need to set up your account to accept/allow pms! Drop us a line once you have!
  4. J

    The UK Growers Thread!

    So it would appear I've got a certified Hermi on my hands! it's a funny Hermi though, the top half appears to be all balls but everything below is all female! I'll keep cousin it going as it's the only one in the garden, I've been on ball controll duty and so far so good. I'm curious though...
  5. J

    Heya man, Send me a pm and I'll help you with what I can All the best

    Heya man, Send me a pm and I'll help you with what I can All the best
  6. J

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Drool, I suppose one consolation to my recent discovery is my m8 who took the clones off me told me he dumps most of his leaf! I've got 4 bin liners of cuttings coming my way! I uploaded the pics here, they might look a bit clearer as opposed to Imageshack...
  7. J

    My First Outdoor

    Hey 510. Thread was a nice read and brought back all the good memories I had rearing my fella. Over the last few days I started noticing some bad signs. There's still a small bit of hope these are just swollen calyx or new growth but for the most part I'm resigned to the fact that this...
  8. J

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Bahaha Tiptop! That's exactly what I'll do if it is, I'll leave them to kill it. Such a promising specimen, was bag seed, over the winter I acquired some very potent blue cheese, between a few friends we got a few ozs, I found one lone seed, talked to all my other mates and they didn't find...
  9. J

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hi Guys, First time poster over across the pond here in Ireland and I've had a Blue Cheese on the go since late March/Early April. Now two weeks ago I could have swore I saw to pistils pertruding at the 4th node, I fondled it a bit in my excitement and I didn't say any other signs since. I'm...