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  1. mel1306

    2 Week old seedling, stunted, deformed, and just not good at all.

    My initial thought was that the seed has been exposed to radiation which can cause this deformity. If you got your seeds from bag its possible that one of the early handlers may have microwaved the bud even slightly to dry it out.
  2. mel1306

    Drying-curing idea with rice

    Solution to that is either put something such as paper towel or piece of cardboard to create a layer in between your rice and method i try is i take two paper bags, fill up one with about a good layer of salt or rice (both will absorb) then i pop next bag containing the nugs in that...
  3. mel1306

    Big Bang Advise?

    growing 2 big bang right now and have in the past...using leds/straight perlite mix/advanced nutes...I would say do not deprive her of waterings in hydro at all, keep as much leaf as possible during flowering (minus huge light blocking fan leaves) and since they tend to grow really short and...