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  1. C

    Cloning with willow water?

    I don't know, took maybe 5min of work and could do way bigger batch with pretty much same effort. That would last me probably for the shelf life of it, like few years. I suppose companies are selling all kinds of root hormones (which are the same stuff that is in the willow water). And all sort...
  2. C

    Cloning with willow water?

    Yeah, completely valid idea. I just often transfer my mother while decently small and take the necessary clones when the mother is sufficiently big, that often leaves small margin of error. Probably could do stuff differently as far as that is concerned. But also interested in the topic for...
  3. C

    Cloning with willow water?

    Well, as long as it's not your barn :D
  4. C

    Cloning with willow water?

    Fishing for more experiences on using willow water. Had a bit trouble of cloning this one strain and haven't really wanted to pick up any commercial rooting product. Well came across the willow water and went down 20meters from the yard to pick some up and prepped it using both the boiling...
  5. C

    Tent walls sucking in?

    Yes, too much negative pressure. Either lower the exhaust fan speed or open up the intake holes more. Can't see if you have any intakes open on the bottom of the tent?
  6. C

    Too much or too little of something. Leaves turning brown.

    Can't say for sure either, but I'd double check for having Thrips like HydoDan suggested. Check under the leaves etc, should have some Thrip poop there if that is the case. Doesn't really match with calcium or magnesium deficiency to me. I've usually had more brown spots from calcium deficiency...
  7. C

    need some advice regarding hash prouction.

    Haha, need to have a read on this :D Just had the image of me sitting in my elf hat at christmas, a fan blowing all my kief to the carpet. Jingle bells, jingle bells
  8. C

    need some advice regarding hash prouction.

    Went and got myself a dry sifter, vibrating one. Qnubu Autosift Automatic Dry Sift Maker. Got it on decent price (350euros), it had metal screens, which I wanted, 140micron and 70microns. So did my first run with my last seasons trimmings and some fluffy buds. It took several runs with the...
  9. C

    My plants don’t look happy

    Did they recover at all when you watered? Looks like too wet/compact medium at first glance, so missing oxygen from roots. Never done coco, so maybe someone else can chime in on that part of the business.
  10. C

    Curious help plz

    If you have same strains, but went from seeds they could still be very different type of phenotypes. Also like Hollatchaboy mentioned about the nutes, the affected one is generally way less green than the lady in the next bucket, so probably a good idea to start feeding. The slight deficiencies...
  11. C

    Curious help plz

    If the discoloration came close to the drops of temperatures, I'd say that's it. Low temps could inhibit the phosphorus uptake. Usually it starts more from the bottom, but cold nights and plenty sun during day might make it look like that too. Other than that plants are looking nice, leaf tips...
  12. C

    Brown along leaf edges? Any ideas!

    It does look a lot like Sulphur deficiency. Red stems point often to Mg or P deficiency, but by looking at the leaves, I'd be more inclined to say Sulphur. Yellowing from the base, the spotting on the leaves, tips hooking down are markers that point me to Sulphur. Also I'm not quite sure what...
  13. C

    How early can photoperiods flower

    At 2 weeks they might be sexually mature and 4days would probably enough to trigger the flowering. They start growing that single hair on both sides of the nodes when they are "mature" and ready to start producing flowers. Can't you just leave the lamp on 24/7 or put a timer on it?
  14. C

    need some advice regarding hash prouction.

    Hey, I'm gonna dip my toes into the dry sifting world soon enough. Did you ever do the dry sifting manually? Or went straight to the tumbler? I'll probably try manual method first, but I'm definatly interested in your experiences if you have done both.
  15. C

    She’s lacking something guys but what?

    Mild looking Calcium+Mg deficiency. Other than that plant looking good and buds are getting chunky as should.
  16. C

    Real meaning of N-P-K?

    It's good practise to start familiarize yourself with the nutrients more and more. Then it's alot easier to buy the nutrients instead of brands. And all of it can be applied to different plants and different grow methods. Like 7CardBud pointed out, there's a small catch with the NPK numbers...
  17. C

    First rdwc run

    Yea and if sterile then usually chlorine of sorts, especially if water temps getting out of hand. 19 is nice, but maybe the 25celcius has made some problems. Maybe you could have a look to the rootzone of the most droopy one? Also if the water isn't looking that fresh anymore, airbubbles take...
  18. C

    First rdwc run

    How is your water temps? Going sterile? The purpling could be start of magnesium deficiency/bit too much light than they can handle. But droopy and leathery looking leaves makes me think like roots might not be all happy campers. This could lead to the nutrient problems.
  19. C

    Led yields..

    How much of certain spectrum goes thru a leaf. I think it's pretty common knowledge that blues/reds mostly don't even penetrate a single leaf. Green penetrates best. Well.. atleast deeper in the leaf :) With LEDs often having more green and way better light distribution, add some reflective...
  20. C

    Cant figure it out (dry tips, sides, spots on leaves)

    Still looks more like potassium deficiency symptoms. She is probably at the stage that she is starting to munch on the PK nutes more.