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  1. kamakazi11

    Cole Train

    Brah i grew that in outdoor in Hawaii.. It was a great plant. Super resiny and stick
  2. kamakazi11

    ASA Meeting 12 October, Be there or be square.

    Just became a patient yesterday im down for the support when is the next meeting
  3. kamakazi11

    Slightly Stoopid

    no cocaine mellow mood I aint got alota money this joint babylon is falling closer to the sun wiseman collie man Nobody knows and the list can go on with great songs
  4. kamakazi11

    Slightly Stoopid

    Definitely one of the best bands to listen too almost all there songs are amazing
  5. kamakazi11

    Molasses & Fox Farm ???

    im using the same stuff as you MisturBombDiggtiy and my babies are lovin it
  6. kamakazi11

    My first Grow in a Closet Using CFL's

    nice grow man i was wondering where did you get the extensions for your light bulbs to split 1 socket into 2?
  7. kamakazi11

    Music to Smoke to @_@ (suggestions)

    Slightly stoopid - this joint , collieman, wise man
  8. kamakazi11

    Petition to legalize marijuana in all 50 states

    screw having to be 21 to be able to smoke If i can be drafted when im 18 and have to serve for my country and possibly die i think that i should have the right to smoke and the same goes for drinking and the only reason why its not 18 is because states receive founds from the federal government...
  9. kamakazi11

    couple of questions

    what up everyone i need a lil help i live in hawaii and my friend is moving out here with me. He has a club card in cali and was wondering if it works in hawaii ? also does anyone know what happens if your caught with less than 25 plants in hawaii? thanks