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  1. kingkron

    second season?

    how many hours of day light are there in florida right now?
  2. kingkron

    how to transfer from pot to ground

    your gonna wanna let the soil dry out a bit becuase the root ball comes out easier then just squeeze the edges of the pot to loosen the pot away from the root ball grab the plant by the stem and the bottom of the pot and slide the pot off. just be carefull not to drop the plant or break branches...
  3. kingkron

    My Ladies.....Pics

    cool man there looking good, nice thick stems, did you start these from seed or clone? and is it just a random bag seed strain?
  4. kingkron

    Jorge Cervantes is a big fat idiot.

    I agree with you man. High times is just trying to make money and commercialize smoking weed alot of the products are just usless and alot of the stuff they have and claim to be new isnt new at all... and yea man whats up with there haggerd ass methed out think they could do better...
  5. kingkron

    Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow

    ya man i never knew porch monkey was a racial slur either but apparently it means lazy black person porch monkey - Wiktionary
  6. kingkron

    what is the matter with my plant!

    dude obviusly the one on the right isnt marijuana... doesnt even look anything the same... i dont think you fooled anyone..
  7. kingkron

    Basics of growing outside?

    the basics of growing outdoors is planting a seed in the ground and letting it grow
  8. kingkron

    frost turned some of the leaves white

    your plants should be fine just cut off any dead looking leaves and the tips of leaves that are dead.. but just dont get to carried away...
  9. kingkron

    help pls

    just stick them under a window sill they should be fine for a couple days, and yea how bad is the weather?
  10. kingkron

    How should I grow outdoors??

    yah put them under some flouresent lights until they get bigger and also read the grow faq on this website...
  11. kingkron

    ScrOG: 1 plant=(?) sq. ft.

    led's are fine to grow with just the materials used to make them are expensive which makes them expensive plus you need lots of them to put out enough lumens, but they are cheaper to run..
  12. kingkron

    18 Hour 12/6 Cycles Flowering

    6 hours of light to 12 hours of dark?!?
  13. kingkron

    First Ever Grow

    i think early misty would be a pretty good strain to grow in scotland, you should plant 5-10 seeds if you want 2-3 plants because around half will be males..and you could lose some to nature.. such as bad weather, bugs, nute burn, ext.. you could put them in a green house that way your not...
  14. kingkron

    How big should the hole be?

    2-3 feet is good, the size of your holes really depends on how much soil your using per plant...
  15. kingkron

    My plant so far...(pics)

    y ma that plant is pretty small for a month and a half.. but it looks pretty healthy looks as if it might be over watererd a bit let the soil on the top of the pot dry out between waterings
  16. kingkron

    booby traps for my cousin the thief

    nice do you have anymore pics of the grow?
  17. kingkron

    lots of info on deer... what about bears?

    Black bears arnt anything to be afriad of.. ive heard that bears wont eat your plants but they have been known to bend branches and break off buds.. but i dont think its verry common
  18. kingkron


    ok make sure you have drainage holes in the bottom of those cups, you will want to transplant your plants soon i think its better to start plants in bigger pots because the tap root gets established quicker, when your plants have just sprouted its better to have a higher humidity level once they...
  19. kingkron

    Mendocino Rental Property

    haha your a dumbass its got nothing to do with making economic moves its got to do with that your on a website about growing weed and your asking for a house its just not gonna happen. and as for calling me a closet grower your the one looking for a house... and who cares where someone grows as...
  20. kingkron


    yes be carefull with over watering, a good way to tell if there in pots is the weight of the pots.. if you know how much a plant that has dry soil weighs then you just pick up all the pots and see if they need water or not.. are your plants in the ground or in pots? and if they are in pots how...