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  1. H

    Vanilla flavored

    It says I can send money to pay for my seeds on my seed bank account whats the adress??
  2. H

    Vanilla flavored

    Haha true!
  3. H

    Vanilla flavored

    Can i buy those in a store??????
  4. H

    NEED HELP!!!!!:p

    Hey quick question... where do you order your seeds from????
  5. H

    Vanilla flavored

    Dam... yu guys know so much! xD
  6. H

    Pray for my lil plant! D:

    Pray for my lil plant! D:
  7. H

    Vanilla flavored

    Well the seeds came from some meds I smoked a while back. Could it grow into something like purp kush?
  8. H

    Vanilla flavored

    I heard if you grow your plant in lower conditions it goes purple but isn't that bad?
  9. H

    Hey i saw tht plant yu grew! Yu gotta gimme some pointers since I kinda just started ...

    Hey i saw tht plant yu grew! Yu gotta gimme some pointers since I kinda just started ...
  10. H

    My Plant just keeps growing...

    All that height no buds
  11. H

    Vanilla flavored

    I rather not go through all that so I don't mess up the plant. ^^ I wuve my baby... x3
  12. H

    Nice pic bro! xD

    Nice pic bro! xD
  13. H

    Attention Atheist

    Pot heads are the last to talk about this.. xD Especially since if you really believe in god you can't judge someone on what they choose to believe. ^^
  14. H

    Yo! ^^

    Awe you suck!!! >:o buckeyes!!!!!!!!
  15. H

    Vanilla flavored

    Could i add vanilla abstract to my water so when my plant grows it will start to taste like vanilla, even when i smoke it?
  16. H

    Future plant

    Any sockets with cords that I can find at walmart, lowes, or home depot
  17. H

    Future plant

    What kind of socket should I hook the cfl to????
  18. H

    Future plant

    Thanks!!!! Both you guys are big help still I'm kinda scared to stick my fingers in the dirt... lol
  19. H

    Future plant

    Ok I wanna plan out the stuff Ima need for my plant when it starts to grow witch should be a week if I'm correct. I'm using a 52 watt bulb now for it's night cycle an obviously know tht I should switch it to a cfl when the plant starts to sprout. From then how many times should I water it, do I...
  20. H

    Yo! ^^

    Thanks bro! DO they have an online version for tht??