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  1. S

    Inside To Outside

    thanks folks for all the help
  2. S

    Inside To Outside

    i have my plant under 300 watt cfls inside, its in its 4 th week of flowering , i wanna know if it would hurt the plant if i put it outside for the rest of the flowering process were i live we have about 13 to 14 hrs of daylight left
  3. S

    Inside To Outside

    i had it under 300 watts of cfls
  4. S

    Inside To Outside

    hey poplars after a good week of cloudy weather can i keep it outside for the rest of the flowering process
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    Inside To Outside

    im 4 weeks into flowering my one plant on a 12/12 sesion. were i live i have like 13 to 14 hrs of daylight left would like to know is it a good idea to put it outside now or would it hurt the plant
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    Inside To Outside

    Im 4 weeks into flowering and now were im at i have like 13 to 14 hrs. of daylight would like to would it hurt if i moved the plant outside at this stage of flowering
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    outdoor to indoors

    i recently bought my plant from outside to inside to start the flowering process its been a week on 12/12 with a 300 watts of cfls in an area that is 3ft wide by 4ft tall im in my first of flowering its grown 2inches in a week wondering if it will be a problem or of its enough light
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    too much nitrogen (leaves canoeing down)

    my tip leaves closes to the lights got a little brown, is that caused by the heat are they burnt
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    hydro or soil

    thanks mears
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    hydro or soil

    yes i am i started it from a seed from a 1/4 i bought so i started from a seed and now its 15inchs and i just started the flowering process in 1 to 2 weeks i should see buds starting correct
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    hydro or soil

    i took a hydro seed and planted it in soil its doing well and i just started the flowering process will it take longer to flower
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    hydro in soil

    can you grow hydro in soil