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  1. Imdaiceman

    how long to veg?

    Its my understanding from what I have read is that you can keep the plant in veg all it's life if you want, I think every year it just starts its cycle over. If you want it to veg longer it should not stress the plant at all it will just make her that much more developed and provide more room...
  2. Imdaiceman

    Seedling dying?

    I should have listened to my gut instinct, plus in what i have read i should have known better then to water it so much!! I just felt like feeding my baby but in reality i was killing her =( ..THANKS FOR THE HELP ALL!!! and I will add more perlite to the mix when i re plant her.. waiting till a...
  3. Imdaiceman

    Seedling dying?

    Hello World! I'm doing a trial run untill I can afford to buy the right materials. Unfortunately my passion is bigger then my wallet. My baby girl is just a little over 2 weeks since she peeked out the soil. Right now she is in a red plastic solo cup with drainage holes poked in the bottom and...