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  1. flossabe

    RC source

    Can someone hit me up with pm for a 2c source please? If there is still one....
  2. flossabe

    Looking for Mushroom Spore Supplier like dank smoker suggested is the shit for sure, as far as spores goes I have used several times. You can use a debit/credit card, they ship out fast (4-6 days and they are here), good selection, good prices, and always good spores. Hope...
  3. flossabe

    Thailand-Koh Samui Super Strain

    4 days after first noticeable pin, I'm happy so far!
  4. flossabe

    Moonshine anyone?

    As far as legality I would say that's probably more of a local/state issue. Depends on where you live, I would say the best way to get a straight answer would be to call up your states alcohol or beverage commission.
  5. flossabe

    Moonshine anyone?

    It's decently easy to make. I'll see if I can dig up a recipe for mash for you and there are plenty of plans online for stills. People will argue over stainless or copper being better, from my experence they are about the same, copper is much easier for construction but harder to clean. Oh...
  6. flossabe

    Thailand-Koh Samui Super Strain

    Picked it up from, it was more of a random choice and was listed as easy to grow. Ill keep updates coming.
  7. flossabe

    Thailand-Koh Samui Super Strain

    First grow here, got full mycelium growth after 4 weeks and moved to fruiting chamber. These are today at 7 days in fc. Ive got 6 cakes, this is the first noticeable pin but the others are looking promising. I keep the progress updated.
  8. flossabe

    NFT vs. Ebb & Flow for SOG??

    Cool, Ill def check more into it, I believe I've see the 4/sqft a few times before. Dealing with a 2x4 grow tent so Ill see how 21-24 will work out. Any recommendations on how deep the flood tray needs to be?
  9. flossabe

    Disney World On Drugs

    Holy balls! That's a hell of an idea!
  10. flossabe

    NFT vs. Ebb & Flow for SOG??

    Going to move to a better hydro system for second grow and I am wanting to do SOG. I have always liked the NFT method, which makes me partial to it.... but Ive seen alot of people say that Ebb & Flow is preferred for SOG. Anyone have good luck with NFG SOG? Anyone tried both and like one better?
  11. flossabe

    Flowering Finish

    Ive got King Kush and Blue Hash Plant coming up on week 8 of flowering for my first grow. Kush looks further along than the hash plant, yeah there is some nute burn that im not happy with but give me your opinions on time left. Also what to do if the kush finished substantially earlier, they...
  12. flossabe

    Preferred system for SOG?

    I am wanting to move on to more advanced methods and SOG seems where I want to go. I have a simple spray/dwc setup now, it works but I would like to hear others opinions for SOG systems they have had good results with.
  13. flossabe

    is anyone using bud candy in aeroponics? any clogging problems?

    I am currently using bud candy in my system with sprayers and I have zero clogging, not that people didnt mention that previous just wanted to give my first hand view
  14. flossabe

    Need advice in choosing an aeroponic system Please

    I must agree with the larger res, makes life easier. DWC is easy and nearly always works.
  15. flossabe

    Cool music for rollin?

    Agree with 2fast, get that bass goin, I like Deadmau5 or Skrillex myself, if you like it in normalty, you will love it rolling imo.
  16. flossabe

    PPM constanly creeping up during flowering

    Cool thanks for the info, I have def kept an eye on it more since that and everything seems fine and the buds are getting fat and trichs are takin over. System was very stable prior to flowering, it would have same readings almost every day but a MH got added to the LED and kicked up H2O...
  17. flossabe

    Nirvana ICE grow #2...

    Lookin good! Had some Ice about 2 months ago and had a unique flavor, quite good.
  18. flossabe

    Almost full colinazation!

    I wanted to do a grow journal for the Thailand-Koh samui super from inoculation but I'm a fan of good quality pics and my nikon battery charger still isn't here (damn china wait times) and I wanted to start out close to the end of colonization pics or not. This is my first grow so its been an...
  19. flossabe

    PPM constanly creeping up during flowering

    So Im running the advanced system on first hydro grow, I'm on day 40 of flowering and my ppm (using a Milwaukee tds meter) keeps going up thorough the day. I add ph'd water (keeping at 5.8ish) to bring it down and I just want to make sure this is normal h2o usage. I change water/nutes every 7...
  20. flossabe

    Led + mh

    So I vegged the King Kush and Blue Hash Plant cuttings completely with the Blackstar in a wana be aero (no misters...but it works) setup, they did very well and stupid low temps in grow tent while pulling less than 3A! So I started up the 12/12 cycle and added 2 t12 plant lights for some...