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  1. S


    im just a guy trying to grow some to smoke and looking for some info that will help. thank you to those who try to look at these things objectively and put out information and expereince that can help. what's up with the rest of you? why do people feel threatened by new technology? hid and...
  2. S

    Male plants...

    thanks man, ill just let them live out their lives and die a natural death. hope i didnt carry any pollen into my grow room
  3. S

    Male plants...

    stupid newbie question...i left a bunch of plants outside and kinda lost track of a few of them. now after visiting them i find that two are male and have these thin buds going. i remember reading somewhere that its worth harvesting them if you do let them bud out in their stupid male way...
  4. S


  5. S

    ""The first time that I smoked Marijuana (or) Gage as they so beautifully calls' it some time...

    ""The first time that I smoked Marijuana (or) Gage as they so beautifully calls' it some time, was a couple of years after I had left Flecther Henderson's Orchestra…And I'm telling you, I had myself a Ball"
  6. S

    when does outdoor marijuana start to bud in NNJ?

    have some outdoor plants i've been feeding and i need to know when the light cycle will switch them over to budding so i can switch nutes. anybody know when they start to bud in NNJ and about how far in advance i should flush them of the veg nutes and start them on bud nutes? Ordained...