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  1. smokin up tha cali

    shroom question

    Dude its super fun to go in the bathroom an fuck around and just look in the mirrors an shit. Me an my friends would always go sit in a car at night and turn the dash and radio lights on while listening to music, feels like your takin off in a spaceship of in a fuckin submarine or somethin. Or...
  2. smokin up tha cali

    New Pics on my almost ready bud

    well dude arent you gonna wait till the seeds mature or just pluck those bitches soon??
  3. smokin up tha cali

    Is it ready? w/pics, also a few questions

    DAY 59 FLOWERING, I want the seeds to be fully mature so I can use them im later grows, I looked at a lil leaf comin out of a bud today and it had around 40% amber trichs, should i wait til around day 70???? Help & Advice please
  4. smokin up tha cali

    Wanna Get High?

    that shit looks bomb as fuck man, nice bubbler too, that thing is huge
  5. smokin up tha cali

    drying in grow box vs. open room

    well it would probobly take twice as long drying in a room than in a box, or even longer, would you have some kind of heat source in the box? this would help with drying a lot. it depends if the humidity is high, if it is I would go with the box to greatly lessen the chances of mold too. You...
  6. smokin up tha cali

    Is it ready? w/pics, also a few questions

    well they were all turning really yellow and kinda crispy, if you barely grabbed em they would fall off, im thinkin because i didnt give any nutes till like a week or 2 ago, I gave em some 10-20-10 and the leaves started to green up so I think that was the problem, kinda stupid on my part but...
  7. smokin up tha cali

    New Pics on my almost ready bud

    nice dude, hope for the best man, I got the same shit goin on, removed males a little too late I think, I think I might have some seeds too
  8. smokin up tha cali

    Is it ready? w/pics, also a few questions

    Thanks for the answers so far, but hey password it sounded like you had hermies if there were seeds w/no males. I'm hopin for 7-14 grams. I also heard too that cfls take a few extra weeks so we will c what happens.O yea I forgot to mention I topped it, you can obviously tell tho. So should I...
  9. smokin up tha cali

    Is it ready? w/pics, also a few questions

    I have been flowering this plant for 55 days today, bagseed btw. The buds keep getting bigger all the time, i am using cfls and a total of 92 watts. The plant keeps producing new growth all the time. The hairs are about 20% red and i looked at the trichomes and they look to be about 70% milky so...
  10. smokin up tha cali

    hindu kush at 72 days of 12/12

    Nice man, those are like some 3 ft long colas, fuckin sweet shit, another harvest, looks like its time to get out the washing machine again hahaha
  11. smokin up tha cali

    Is it a boy or girl?? Male or Female? PICTURES!@!

    did it work? I dont think the first pic I put up worked
  12. smokin up tha cali

    Is it a boy or girl?? Male or Female? PICTURES!@!

    I'm wondering the same shit about my plants, so how long does it take the little hairs to start poppin out of the female sacks once theey appear? and how many of these "female sacks" appear at the nodes? just one or a few? i got a few so im either waiting to see hairs comin out or they might be...
  13. smokin up tha cali

    I'm Not F%ckin' around with This Hash Thing Anymore

    so fdd, is that hash you make like REALLY bomb? so how long would a gram size chunk last you? you said its A+
  14. smokin up tha cali

    Just popped an MDMA capsule

    I know but i thought mdma made em get the biggest or go the most? but have you tried the 1s i think i had?
  15. smokin up tha cali

    Codeine in Canada

    so you can just buy it at drug stores prescription free? is it syrup or pills and does it have like tylenol or asprin in it?
  16. smokin up tha cali

    Xanax Prices

    and when you get the xanax snort it, id say its the best way,you get all stumbly and drunk-like real fast :-D
  17. smokin up tha cali

    Just popped an MDMA capsule

    what up, ive only rolled 4 times but they were real fun, has anyone tried red buddahs, its a really tiny fat buddah guy on the pill, goin around minnesota lately, shit makes you hyped up as FUCK, like takin a ton of adderal , im pretty sure it had mdma cause pupils were big and things felt cool...
  18. smokin up tha cali

    Bufo alvarius

    yea dude i read a bunch of shit on that and you gotta squeeze the glands on the frogs head near a piece of glass or somthin and its this white shit that comes out and dries clear i think, you smoke it an trip, i called like 5 or 6 pet shops in tha phone book and no 1 had the toad so its pretty...
  19. smokin up tha cali

    CFL flowering 3 weeks

    how long did you veg for and how many cfls you got? damn my shit is growin slow, does heat do a big part in like stunting or slowing down growth? it was in the 80s but i got another fan so its not as hot, around 78 but better now
  20. smokin up tha cali

    could u smoke un dried buds

    hahaha if you can get that shit to light, i harvested some buds and tried smokin some like a few hours after i cut it off the plant and it tasted shitty and greeny and you had to torch it like a mofo