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  1. P

    Problems with Ministry of Cannabis

    Afternoon folks. My first grow didn't pan out well, but I'm working on a second. Anyway I would like to share my experience with Ministry of Cannabis. From what I heard they were a good reliable site with good prices. I purchased 5 kandahar and 2 big bud seeds hoping to get some plants out...
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    Black mold? Help!

    Yeah it might have been that but I doubt it. I mean if it were a deficiency, then it should have improved after moving it to the pot with fertilizer. Shouldn't have continued ravaging the plant.
  3. P

    Black mold? Help!

    Well I posted this before taking a weekend trip. It was well dead by the time I made it back to save it.... Fortunately I got bunches of new seeds so we're learning and we'll get a grow to happen soon.
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    Black mold? Help!

    Ok so a few days ago I started getting black tips on my lower leaves. I attributed this to using tap water in the first couple weeks of the plant, which seemed to stunt the growth. Thats why two of the leaves are crisped and broken up. This plant is like 3 weeks old now. After switching to...
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    Help with vege stage

    Seems pretty good, you definitely have a lot for one plant in Veg. Thats good news. The dual spectrum CFL in yellow will be good for flowering if you add that in. Change a couple of your other CFLs for yellow ones too, definitely want like at least 2:1 yellow light. But that sounds good dude...
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    First Time Grow - UPDATE!

    Yeah don't panic. The plant DOES die after producing flowers, such was evolutions choice for the Mary Jane. So you will see some browning and probably bad leaves from bottom up I imagine. Let those buds get a little bigger. Lose the nutes maybe in a week, go a couple more days and then cut...
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    Grow 2.0 Less money mo problems

    Looking good dude. Shame about the dog eatin the plants :) For the record sweetener is a term used to raise PH I think... But I would think some OJ would probably be ok. Just find some natural stuff. You could always sprinkle a touch of sugar into your water I guess. I've read mixed things...
  8. P

    Cabinet setup. Need some advise

    I was gonna say maybe doing half flower half veg would be a good idea. You could just stick your seedlings in the veg room, or if you really want to have a ''nursery'' section that's fine too. You can setup clones in your veg area if you have the space, seems like you have some good real estate...
  9. P

    Please help wiTh a grow box

    Sounds small dude. Only a couple inches wide? You need like 1 foot by 1 foot for one plant to get big, and about 2 feet high to be able to grow something reasonably decent after you subtract the pot height. But it could work, Use a couple CFL bulbs hung up in the corners and you should have...
  10. P

    many diferent strains with pics and some advice please

    Looks like a little nute burn on the one. Leaves are pretty crispy at the ends there and they're drooping straight down. Could also be too much heat hitting the leaves causing them to try and turn away from the light. Or a little too much water maybe. PH? But overall everything looks good...
  11. P

    was told today that cfl lights grow a lot more slowly...

    I had a similar problem with my one plant. The yellowing on a young plant's leaves must mean some problem, and I'd likely guess it's your water. Buy some bottled spring water, doesn't have to be evian or anything. But keep in mind stuff like Dasani is just filtered tap. Spring water. Tap water...
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    An American in Peru

    yeah it's just a lot of pix. I mean from the coast to Cusco to the Amazon I have a lot, and to post it all on here just seems like too much work you feel me?
  13. P

    My first grow is underway: Peruvian buds, indoor setup

    The solid white cups I doubt are an issue until roots get to the edge of the cup. I plan on more or less 2-3 weeks until transplant to pot, so it shouldn't be a big problem. I doubt much light is affecting the roots. It seems the water issue has been key. Now the current plant has 6 strong...
  14. P

    Mystery Weed: What kind of grass do you think I have?

    Again unfortunately I'm not totally knowledgable enough to say whether its a haze or not. But it's pretty good stuff to be honest, best I've ever smoked. Makes me sleepy as hell tho. It's not indigenous to the country, came from Spain. But apparently it grew well here because a lot of hemp...
  15. P

    An American in Peru

    If anybody wants to get on my Facebook just send me a PM thru here, all the pics are up there. Dannyboy I highly recommend checking it out here. The country is doing great and improving every day. There are plenty of safe areas, I've never had problems where I live and I'm in a non-gringo part...
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    Mystery Weed: What kind of grass do you think I have?

    Yeah I don't know how knowledgable the locals are. But a lot of stuff grows here in Peru. Could just be some local stuff. It seems to resemble Skunk/Kush...
  17. P

    seedling sprouts have tiny white crystals on the seed shell

    The shell is still on the plant? Are the first baby leaves out? If not maybe consider taking the shell off yourself but be super duper gentle. They should fall off when the leaves come out, if it even makes it out of the soil. In my few sprouts the seed was never on the plant when it came up...
  18. P

    led vs hps

    I haven't tried either but basically theres a few key advantages/disadvantages LED: Needs more area, footprintwise. However vertically it can be slimmer. HPS: Gives off more heat. If you go with a pro grow LED light box, it should have a fan built in though. LED: Will end up more expensive to...
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    How should I setup my lights, small question

    Well the box is pretty small, good for four plants. And yeah I tested the Halogen and it does burn hot, but I have a fan blowing in from the side pretty good. I tried all CCFLs for a bit, and it just was too cold. Maybe if summer here starts heating up, which it should. Ordering stuff online...
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    An American in Peru

    Hey folks. I've been posting on here a teeny bit so I thought I'd officially introduce myself. Names Andrew and I'm an American living in Peru. I moved here two years ago due to the economic conditions in the states, among other things. I teach English now. I have some plans to maybe open a...