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    Wanted to show off a beautiful picture of my DCxSC

    I wish I could smoke some of that!
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    First closet grow - seeking advice

    Testing new exhaust setup. Seems to be working pretty well at the moment, but it is very cold outside. Will see how it goes tomorrow. Summer is going to be a bitch, I think I will have to get a portable aircon :-/ Going for the stealth look.. The PC case is temporary (thats a queen size...
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    First closet grow - seeking advice

    Yes, the 200mm ducting (the black one) is my cool intake. The ducting isn't fixed at the moment, I just have it blowing the cool air on the plants while I keep working on fixing my exhaust. I was planning on chopping the 200mm intake where it pokes through the wall. The ducting going up to the...
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    First closet grow - seeking advice

    Thanks for the information slonez! :-) I have a pot for them with some clay rocks. My theory was to wait a few days before putting them in (and burying most of the stretched part) and strengthen the stems because I am not sure that the clay rocks might crush a fragile stem. I've just finished...
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    First closet grow - seeking advice

    They haven't had any vertical growth for a couple of days now, hopefully they are putting down some roots! I have been spraying them with water although very sparingly but yes sometimes droplets have been forming on the leaves! :(
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    First closet grow - seeking advice

    Wow thats a big difference to mine. Are mine stunted due to spending their effort on stretching?
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    First closet grow - seeking advice

    Thanks slonez, I think my plants are having heat stress they have these yellow burns on them? Are they burnt?
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    First closet grow - seeking advice

    Bloody hell, do you have to pay for advice on these forums or something..
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    First closet grow - seeking advice

    Hello, I am back with another update. After struggling with heat issues all day I think I might nearly have a workable solution. Temp is hovering around 27.5 at the moment. I think I am going to have to raise the shelf (the top shelf is going to be my flower chamber) because I can't see my...
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    First closet grow - seeking advice

    Bump.. Hello again! I have just purchased a 400w MH kit and am about to replace my fluro tubes (I will keep those for cloning later on!) I was just wondering how far above my seedlings should I put the MH to begin with to make sure I don't burn them moving from fluro to MH! Thanks...
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    First closet grow - seeking advice

    I didn't even realise that there was a difference between CFL and regular fluro tubes! :confused: I am heading to the hydro shop tomorrow, I will see what lights they have! :-)
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    First closet grow - seeking advice

    Also, humidity keeps dropping to 50% - I have tried leaving a bowl of water under the light but that doesn't seem to have made any difference. I guess that I need to find a new intake duct.. the convenient hole in the wall is connected to the roof which is insulated and warm :-/
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    First closet grow - seeking advice

    I'm not sure what I'm doing with the watering.. I'm worried that I will overwater it so I have just been pouring some water over the cubes for just a moment then misting throughout the day. I am only puttin gwater on when I lift the cubes and they feel very light (also I am not watering just...
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    First closet grow - seeking advice

    I've lowered the lights a few cm. New pic posted. Also the leaf discoloration pic wasn't focussed properly so I have taken another pic hopefully its clearer. The leaf is turning yellow a tiny bit :( The seedling on the left in the pic is a THC Bomb (Feminised) and the other two are Himalayan...
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    First closet grow - seeking advice

    great thanks, my lights are just regular indoor lights too (one cold/one warm) so I will lower it a bit more! :-)
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    First closet grow - seeking advice

    I've tried to keep the lights approx 10cm from the tallest plant. How close should I put it? The globes are 2x18w cfl edit: the lights are attached by chain I can easily move them - just not sure how close! :-)
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    First closet grow - seeking advice

    I was hoping someone with some experience growing could take a look at my seedlings and let me know if they look ok. I am watering them once a day (with not much water, it seems to evaporate from the rockwool cube fairly quickly? I read in another thread they should weigh approx 20grams.. I'm...
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    Seedlings slightly lopsided

    Hello I was hoping to get some advice for my seedlings. This is the second batch I have tried, the first lot all drooped under their own weight and then shrivelled up and died. After they had collapsed I tried propping them up with toothpicks but they still died. This time around, I have had a...
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    Should I remove the transparent guard on my light?

    Great, thanks very much for the fast answer!
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    Should I remove the transparent guard on my light?

    Hello I am an inexperienced first time grower and I was hoping someone could give me some advice about the transparent guard covering my fluro light tubes. Please excuse the quality of the image. I am not sure if it would be beneficial to my 7 day old seedling to remove that transparent...