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  1. Strangelove


    Or tolerance can take its place.
  2. Strangelove


    How did people learn before because, before anything written about the subject? Through experience of course, actually doing it. But now you have the option of many online and even real life resources at your disposal. Your curiosity need no more filling, unless you want to try it of course.
  3. Strangelove

    Prove to you There's a God?

    I find the question of "there is a God/ there is no God" Why can't people just understand that no one will ever know such. Just be.
  4. Strangelove

    Murder is not wrong.

    everyone should ask themselves this, what constitutes wrong and what constitutes right. :)
  5. Strangelove

    Murder is not wrong.

    Taking the life of anything is not right, but if occurs it was meant to be. If it was not meant to happen then it would not have happened... there are no accidents... :joint: ramble... ha
  6. Strangelove

    Life itself

    You can go crazy trying to figure out the answer to the unanswerable, or you can just be. :)