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    Ganjaluvrs Drying & Curing Broken Down into Understandable English

    lol hire a crew!!!!!!!!....It costs you but you get it done.It's a labour intensive job.But i guess you figures that out
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    Bud rot or purple bud?

    if the bud is purple and the rest of the plant is not it very well could be a nutrient deficiency or too much of something.if it was meant to be purple then the stems would be purple as well or at least have some indication of purple elsewhere on the plant.I think it might be a P
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    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    there is a somewhat new product on the market called spinosad.100% organic and OMRI listed.I am an organic certified grower and this stuff works beautifully for foliage feeding worms and insects.An outfit called Monterey is one of the makers.I found it online but some garden centers will have...
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    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    hi guys and gals.I am a certified organic main pastime is veggies of all sorts.I have been growing the demon weed for decades as I'm a child of the 50's.I use a product for bugs called spinosad.It works on many kinds of critters and is real good for leaf miners and worms.It is 100%...
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    BC bud

    I'm a newbie to the site.have garden outdoors in southern BC.My question is.....the girls have been budding now for almost 6 weeks and the big fan leaves are yellowing what can I use to give some N.i was using fish emulsion once a week then switched to buds n bloom.Should i wash them out and use...
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    I Suspect Someone has been back To My Plants...WHAT TO DO?!!

    spend the night back there and get some bear scare bombs.light one of those bitches off when you hear anybody and watch the fun.thats what i do.or get a good dog.I have a black lab and nothing moves out there that he doesnt get after it.