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  1. S

    Tiny Yellow Specks on Fan Leaves

    instead of telling us 'your pretty sure' go test your pH it could be the whole problem. the patches on your leaves look definitely like a deficiency which will be caused by out of range pH. we keep our pH in range because certain nutrients are available at certain pH's between 5.5 to 6.5 I...
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    Advice sought on a ventilation / humidity issue

    having a small clip on fan you circulating air will help with humidity a little but it seems strange that the humidity falls lower at night because usually when temperature drops humidity rises. a good way to keep it down is using a fan heater if you are able to raise the temp a bit, a fan...
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    Purple stems and tips

    purple stems are actually a sign of stress could possibly cool temps at night keep an eye on it.also your tips look a little yellow that's over feeding plants usually go dark green then tip burning so back off on the nutes if your e.c on run off is creeping up.
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    Co2 bags

    first of all research what co2 actually does for our plants. its does not jus increase growth and yield you have to work at other things to. im no expert at this but I use the co2 bags 1 per meter squared. co2 slows the rate of transpiration(water loss through leaves) so the uptake of nutrients...
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    15-30-15 Okay NPK for Veg?

    n - nitrogen - leaves p - phosphorous - roots and flowers k - potassium - flowers stick to a normal shelf A and B then a pk nutrient the products have been tested and know exactly what we want as long as your temp and humidity is good any nutrient will work fantastically don't go thinking the...
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    Mother plant light on time? Also, cuttings...

    your plant will react to the night period give it as much light as you want but as long as you don't push the 6 hour dark period your mother wont want to flower. 6" for a cutting seems a little to long try 2nd node instead of 4th.make sure the media you choose is not to wet or to dry, when we...
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    need help asap!! please

    looks like a deficiency to me, possibly thrip but more like a deficiency get the soil turned over before growing in future honestly mate get your plant in a healthy environment and it will reward you with a fantastic yield.
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    first time setup

    Look ok for a first time mate try and aim for short and bushy plant look at the scrog technique that will help make the most of the area you have. they do look streched and usually its caused from high temp in your tent try to keep it at a steady 25-28 and 18-22 at night. In the last picture i...
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    Careful These Bud shots may leave your screen sticky and shirt wet from drool.

    Nice and frosty just in time for christmas :weed:
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    Can I Miss a scheduled feeding? Need help

    I wouldnt feed with just water always with quarter strength nute they will help to flush better than just plain water its goes very technical but basically water wont flush the minerals out as good as weak strength feed it gets very complicated il try to find a good link that explains why for you.
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    Can I Miss a scheduled feeding? Need help

    Flushing wont cure the brown tips caused from overfeeding you will always have these because the leafe tip has burnt. Best way to check if they are being over fed is by measuring the ec of your foodgoing in then coming out at the bottom of the pot (this is if you are in a run to waste system)...
  12. S

    Time to stop nutes? (pictures)

    I agree with pinworm on the trichomes thats the real way to tell when your ladies are ready,i posted this link on another thread and recieved a like so this should hopefully help. But i dont agree with not flushing...
  13. S

    First DWC Grow - Help my plants are dying!

    After 13 days your root base should be a lot more established than it is already. Also you said your humidity is between 20-60 well 60 will be ok could really do with 65 70 while there still young but no way should it drop to 20. The pictures make it look as though they are under fed to me and...
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    How do these look for my 1st grow? Any tips/suggestion?

    Look really healthy. If your doing LST try and get those taller branches trained of give them a top so other stems will catch up and create a nice even bush instead of one big bud at the top. Looking forward to watching these grow.
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    No worries cascadian thanks for the rep 8)
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    Never flush with just water do it with at least half strength nutes i also think your over feeding, having fan leaves crisp up and your leaves look very dark and leathery on pictures which is a sign of overfeeding. Get yourself a magnifying glass look closely at the trichomes here is a good link...
  17. S

    One veg plant out of bunch stopped growing

    Haha thought id found a forum without the little idiots putting things like "what are you guys smoking" but guess you cant avoid them all. were here to help and pick up tips along the way Not to try and put people down if you actually know what your talking sbout then explain things. Anyway i...
  18. S

    One veg plant out of bunch stopped growing

    I agree with rockstar energy they dont look to healthy. How often do you water them and how much? If you are watering the small ones the same amount as the larger then they will always stay small with very slow growth if not root rot. You need to remember wet roots through veg equals lazy roots...