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  1. AltarNation

    Make $2200 worth of "Clear Rez" for $4 !!!

    The circle is complete. The thread can die now. :)
  2. AltarNation

    The AltarNational Garden

    @glockdoc @Javadog hows it goin guys? Glad to see some familiar names!
  3. AltarNation

    The AltarNational Garden

    What's up my guy? You still check this forum? How bout my other old grow buddies?? All y'all still here? I felt downright weird reading some of these old posts. I was writing small books for posts back then apparently. Now thanks to ig I've lost the touch of lpng format expression and...
  4. AltarNation

    Photon Fantom PCBs

    I found communication a wee bit light but decided to purchase anyway. he's a one man band, I can understand he can't hold everyone's hands. He did take the time to respond once, just not again after that... for whatever that's worth. It's fine with me, like I said he's pretty busy. I was able to...
  5. AltarNation

    photon fantom lm561 fixture tree grow

    Wonder how this crop turned out... haha
  6. AltarNation

    Photon Fantom PCBs

    I feel like the fusions must be the best since it's unavailable hahaha. (That's how everything else in my life works)
  7. AltarNation

    Photon Fantom PCBs

    Glad to see you're kicking. I do understand that you're a one man show and that there's a lot of people to get to. I tried email first and never heard back which is why I even tried DM. Do you have any info on fusion board availability? (ie, some kind of time frame) I don't have that many...
  8. AltarNation

    Photon Fantom PCBs

    I just noticed there is a PPFD chart in this thread for an 8 panel 600w build and the numbers are really impressive at 18" down.... I really do just want to go ahead and buy some but the lack of customer service has me worried. Like are they even going to ship? How do I know? Erf.
  9. AltarNation

    Photon Fantom PCBs

    it's quite an idea, I happen to have one of them gigantic XXXL hoods with a 1000w in it now, i was planning to sell it, now you've got me thinking down yet another track haha.
  10. AltarNation

    Photon Fantom PCBs

    Haha... care to elaborate?.
  11. AltarNation

    Photon Fantom PCBs

    Interesting with the air cooled hood led... that's some clever shit. Are they behind glass or is the glass just removed? Amazing gardens all around! Wish I could be at that scale, not quite there yet. Planning maybe 4 individual 4x4 cubes, that's probably my limit until I'm less busy growin...
  12. AltarNation

    Photon Fantom PCBs

    And since the fusion boards are out of stock it narrows the choices and I am thinking of doing some straight 3500k sunboards mixed with the wavyboards to just boost the 3500k presence a good bit more. (Like 4x wavyboards, 2x sunboards maybe, possibly 3/3) On the other hand I could do one of the...
  13. AltarNation

    Photon Fantom PCBs

    Sup DH... yeah I wasn't sure if I should do 4 or 6 in a 4x4... the problem is I have tried three avenues to reach the guy to ask questions and I can't get a response. I am assuming he is just swamped with customers given the climate/attitude about his plates, but it would be a lot easier to bite...
  14. AltarNation

    Photon Fantom PCBs

    Hey anyone using these boards want to give an update summary? This thread's been dormant a while. I was about to buy up some of his new wavyboards and sunboards because the fusions are out of stock. Love to hear as much real world experience as I can first though.
  15. AltarNation

    Nightmare Nugs?

    My dream awareness shuts off almost entirely with ANY strain, honestly. It's just about staying stoned enough in my finding... as soon as I pass the constant daily use threshold my dreams disappear almost over night.
  16. AltarNation

    Best Nug First or Last?

    Absolutely save the besters for last, but within reason. Like I dip into the quality jars for sure, just maybe not the very biggest buds or whatever. I'm not anal about it. But I did recently state in a social situation that I like to work up from the bottom of the nug and save the tip for last...
  17. AltarNation

    Maine recreational ammendment questions

    Greg is 'nr' your town because I know at least two gregs from a town with those initials in your state, heh.
  18. AltarNation

    How to get wax from jar into a syringe?

    Haha... I can picture you trying to hold a concentrate jar over a candle with tongs and I'm giggling... I can't help it, sorry. Try a hot water bath. Like just get a cup of boiling hot water and put the jar in it for a minute, assuming it's an air tight container. If not then carefully float it...
  19. AltarNation

    Smoked my vaporizer resin stuff....WOW !

    Resin is disgusting... it is active, but not enough to be worth it... to be fair, OP is talking about reclaim vape oil combined with little bits of plant matter. Is a far cry from resin. In fact I'd say vape reclaim is definitely the best place to hunt for a high if you're all out...
  20. AltarNation

    Active forums for Maine MMJ'ers?

    It is nice but my property tax ended up being a bit more than I expected... first year owning though so it's all new to me...