Bummer is though.. guy wants me to come in for a random tomorrow tuesday, and i drank last wed-friday a like 40 oz a night o.o got some clean pee from the neighbor kid and a quick fix container with the temp to store it. Any tips?
I drank lots of coffe that day. Drank a gatorAde about 3 hrs before and a small amount of water. Had plenty of vitamins though took a daily vitamin 3 hrs before the test. Im mainly worried Bout creatine levels. I drank lots of water earlier in the day. How long does it take for creatine to build up?
Sweet so far passed 9 fda approved at home tests. Ill let you know if i pass my final one in the morning and then my test tomorrow evening! Thanks! Any tips on what to eat before the test?
Yeah true that man. Crossing my fingers on this one..18 more weeks on treatment on the line.. do you know how long it wouldtake to go from 50 ng treshhold to under 20