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  1. J

    can i chop fan leaves for more light exposure

    Honestly it depends. The time it takes a plant to recover from having fan leaves chopped off, in addition to the amount of energy conversion you will lose without the leaves may hurt your harvest. On the other hand, if you are not in a rush to flower, this will allow more light to the buds...
  2. J

    Why does my plant fall over in place?

    haha is that GBP420 or whoever?
  3. J

    Super Brownies, NEED HELP!!!

    Can these methods also be done with the fresh leaves of a newly-harvested plant? I'll be dying to know.
  4. J

    White widow flowering what do you think?

    About 3.5 weeks into flowering. It started out as a joke, just a little college fun, then i got a little more serious as i started reading on this forum. Added 2 42 watt CFL's (couldnt do much in my small apt. under the sink lol). Its at a bushy 2 feet. I just wish i had the space/time for a hps...
  5. J

    Why does my plant fall over in place?

    My opinion: A. Lights are not close enough to the plants B. Not enough output from the CFL's, try to upgrade Good luck!
  6. J

    White widow flowering what do you think?

    moving out in 5 days, gotta chop, dry and start curing then :cry:
  7. J

    White widow flowering what do you think?

    Wish i had that kinda time. You should be golden come harvest time
  8. J

    White widow flowering what do you think?

    Fantastic! Plants already starting to steal the nitrogen. How long you plan on flowering / what light system?
  9. J

    Is this healthy?

    looks pretty good, leaves are a little wilted... im guessing just a tad underwatered. Keep those flouros as close as possible to keep the plant nice and bushy!
  10. J

    Question on getting busted.

    With the price of oil as it is, it would cost them 3x the plants value to land and then take off after they pulled it...... not worth it for them.
  11. J


    I've done a lot of research and heard of numbers more along the lines of 10/14 with the last 1-3 days under complete darkness to imitate winter so the plant covers itself in resin. I am in a similar situation, only have 2.5 weeks and i need to hurry up the process. I'll be interested to see...
  12. J


    Are you going to do 9/15 over a long term period, or for the last 1-3 days?
  13. J

    My First Grow, ZOMG!

    Looks great right now! Be careful with the everyday watering schedule, it could lead to overwatering quickly. Depending on how much water you are adding per day, you might want to switch over to an every-other day watering schedule, and see how the plant reacts. Keep us posted, and best of...
  14. J

    How am I looking so far- noobies first try

    they look fantastic!
  15. J

    Wilting Leaves / Yellow Tips

    Looks like underwatering to me. Try giving them some water, and if they dont perk up, let it dry out and you should be back in business in a day or two. hope this helps