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  1. nicrod

    First Grow!

    this is cool dude! good luck! hope one isnt a male,when i had my first go at growing i started with 12 string plants and 4 of them were males so far... so keep a eye out!
  2. nicrod

    Section 8 housing question?

    hey there everyone, well i had a little grow going at my old house until the police took my plants.. anyways i just got my card and im able to grow now, my only other concern is section 8, does anyone know if there is any kinda of restrictions on that?? that would be bogus.. i really wanna get...
  3. nicrod

    DIY REZ COOLER from a $30 craigslist freezer

    yeah thats sick!
  4. nicrod

    My first Grow check the progress!! its RAD!!

    WEELLLLLLLL im out of state. my mom was taking care of my plants. next thing i know is im getting a call saying some police is taking them... were not getting in trouble i guess just cant have them?
  5. nicrod

    fake police scam

    police took my babies the other day i guess..............
  6. nicrod

    My first Grow check the progress!! its RAD!!

    okay i really need some input, what should i add to my plants?? they arnt really getting any bigger anymore.. the one thats already flowering, that buds gettin bigger but the plants seem to have haulted.. what should i do? how do i check the ph levels?? sorry for dumb questions, what should i...
  7. nicrod

    What age would you smoke weed with your kid?

    this is a tough subject.. i am young still. being only 19. but my mom smoked with me for the first time when i was about 12 13 14? of course by then i was sneaking it around, smoking in the bathroom stuffing the door and running the shower to full potential... lol. but really, dont introduce...
  8. nicrod

    Just a little flower pic

    sweet! keep it updated:)
  9. nicrod

    Yo whats wrong with my plants, sativa experts check in

    let em go with the flow! pick some of the bigger water leaves off
  10. nicrod

    I need my card, but have no history on paper to take in?

    "interfering with the quality of you life" i ment sorry!!! then if they refuse that, its a lawsuit. thats suppose to be a doctor secret so keep it on the DL fellow BUDies .o.
  11. nicrod

    I need my card, but have no history on paper to take in?

    OK i just remembered something, my moms in medical school and this is the one thing a doctor can not refuse, or else it becomes a lawsuit. All you need to tell the doctor is; ""whatever" is affecting the quality of your life." tell the doctor, you have been having sleep problems. tell him your...
  12. nicrod

    I need my card, but have no history on paper to take in?

    where do you live? theres this magazine here in SD area thats called the reader. in the back they always have recomendations on doctors to see about gettin you card.
  13. nicrod

    My first Grow check the progress!! its RAD!!

    So im not sure if this is just me worrying. but the plants after i re potted them into bigger pots, seems to not be growing as fast as they normally have been? what should i check? should i check my ph levels? and how do i go about that?? and bringing them up or down if they arent leveled...
  14. nicrod

    this is a male right?!

    they love it!!! at least thats how it looks! i also trimmed and took off some lower leaves and biger fan leaves, so that may be the reason they are lookin alot better too! thses last 2 days have been wet and hot! im not sure how plants react to that. but they look good:) Alright im almost...
  15. nicrod

    name creation??

    AHAHA i dont know about sending a sample. maybe when harvest is done, we can have a so cal smoke sesh and decide whats a good name for the little beasts
  16. nicrod

    first time trying to grow outside?????

    yep! go look into the foresty area where sun shines down!! theres these bushes here down in so cal in the desert area that are perfect for poppin a plant or two in, just work your self into the branches tie a few of them to the sides so that sun comes from above easily, and MAKE SURE no one...
  17. nicrod

    name creation??

    so all these little seeds i got from my cousins last op he made between two diff plants, i have no idea what they were called. i also had a few seeds collected from the years, in my garden now it looks like i have 2 different plants, do i just get free reign on a killer name?? haha i guess i...
  18. nicrod

    Glo Sticks?

    no you guys are all wrong, what his friend met! was you crack open end put all the glow shit on the buds then let it cure, you will trip BAWLLLZ lol:p
  19. nicrod

    this is a male right?!

    yes sir i know all about that. and my device is as secure as I personally can make it, thanks for the heads up though ALSO i just cut him down.. the bastard.. im thinking the other that are in the pot are also males since they are all growing some what the same. but i guess ill wait a little...
  20. nicrod

    this is a male right?!

    thats my cell phone picture too, k thanks for the info! just wanted some more oppionions on it