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  1. P

    Cal/Mag Def??

    Medium-Pro Mix soilless 6.0ph 1.6 EC grow A&B 10 ML of Cal/Mag per 7.5 Liters. I mix Cal/Mag first, then add grow a&b and get about 1.6 EC. Was thinking of upping the CalMag and trying for 6.2 PH.
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    Orangish Yellowish Discoloration, Need Help

    I don't have to much experience in Molasses but from what I read most people use it to towards 4 week flower and up to bulk up the bud. If your just starting your 2nd week flower she is still in the process of stretching and is using a lot of N. to do that. You need to start adding a proper nute...
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    Orangish Yellowish Discoloration, Need Help

    Dude need more info. How old is she, pot size, ph and so on.
  4. P

    Please help Unknown deficiency and weird growth good pictures and information include

    Yeah its weird that only one plant is geeting affected and the rest are loving the nutes.
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    Spot on. Add a little nitrogen into the mix. Do a search and read the following thread. The Never Ending Abuse of Phosphorous (Bloom foods) to Enhance Flowering
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    Please help Unknown deficiency and weird growth good pictures and information include

    No I dont use any of those things. All I use is dutchmaster gold flower, dutchmaster add.27 and for the cal/mag I use general organics. Not sure what to do about that one plant. I fed them today so hopefully it will get better in the next 3 to 4 days. Royal can you post some pics of your...
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    Please help Unknown deficiency and weird growth good pictures and information include

    Yeah don't know what else to say Royal. It has some weird growth as well. Never seen 2 bud shoots from one node, check the 4th pic in the first post.
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    Please help Unknown deficiency and weird growth good pictures and information include

    Sup Kronik That is what I though at first as well. But after reading up on it I don't think thats what it is. The spots are not white and you are not able to wipe it off. The leaves are not crispy and the leaves don't seem to be dying. The discolouration is on the new growth only leading me to...
  9. P

    Please help Unknown deficiency and weird growth good pictures and information include

    Strain:NL starting 4 week flower. Indoor scrog, total 6 plants. Only one plant suffering Soil:Promix BX Nutes:Dutchmaster gold, Add.27, general organic cal/mag. Last feeding 2.2EC at 6.1PH. PH run off problem plant 6.3. Day time temp 70F, night time temp lowest 62F. The new growth looks almost...
  10. P

    Fungus Gnat?

    How many ml do you put into a liter of water. The instructions I got say to use 2ml to 4ml per liter for a small to a medium infestation and 4ml to 8ml for a heavy infestation. Just curious to see if this stuff will raise the total EC of my nute mix. I also put some potatoes slices which I will...
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    Fungus Gnat?

    I don't think vectobac is a pesticide. VectoBac is based on the naturally occurring active ingredient Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti).I think its the same stuff as Gnatrol.
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    Fungus Gnat?

    Hey guys, it took me a while but just caught up. I am on my second grow and doing a scrog. Last week I noticed some fruit flies flying around, and after doing some research figured out I got some fungus gants. I have 6 plants and only one seems to be suffering. So far I have put yellow sticky...
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    My first NL scrog

    Today I found some insects flying around. After doing some research I think I got some fungas gnats. :( Going to war with them tomorrow.
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    Uk Grower 10 Big Buddha Cheese And A Couple Of Random Seeds :) With Pics

    Good to hear. Me I discovered I got fungus gnats yesterday. Anyone got any ideas how to get rid of them???
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    My first NL scrog

    Flower Day 13 Today I watered the ladies with the same amount of nutes as last time. I went 8 days this time between watering and they looked like they needed it. Happy to say looks like all girls. :) So far I am very happy with the nirvana genetics. They did not strech alot and by topping them...
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    Seedling problem

    What the ph of your purified water?
  17. P

    Help with my yellowing problem

    Need more info. Type of soil PH Temperature(day/night) Also why do you water everyday? Thats way to much.
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    My first NL scrog

    Hey billy I never tried their folage spray cause they say you got to buy their saturator and when I looked it was way to much money. My last grow I ran into a magnesium deficiency. So this time just before I flipped them to 12/12 I used some epsom salt on them, followed with some regural water...
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    My first NL scrog

    First feeding during flower was(based on 10liters) 12ml of general organic cal/mag 18ml of Dutchmaster gold flower A&B 21ml of Dutchmaster Add.27. Total 1.9EC at 6.1ph. Will post some pics in a few days. By the way is anyone following this or I am just creating work for myself for no reason.