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  1. M

    I promise this will be my last LED question.

    thank you that was the response I was looking for
  2. M

    I promise this will be my last LED question.

    really none of my Led growers can chime in?
  3. M

    I promise this will be my last LED question.

    Anyone? open to suggestions too :leaf::leaf::leaf:
  4. M

    I promise this will be my last LED question.

    Sorry I am fascinated by LEDs. I have these lights Would both of these lights combined give me the same results as say.. 600w hps? Or are they crap...
  5. M

    Hey LED guys what do you think of these lights?

    great info Ill check em out. I am kinda leaning towards running a 600w hps for 6-7 weeks and duing the last couple weeks throw an in a LED. Or shit might as well rock both the lights the whole time right.. Get best of both worlds??
  6. M

    very hot stop

    Yes^^ wise decisions...
  7. M

    Snow Dream - Coco & LED Closet Grow #2

    thanks for the heads up. I know exactly what your talking about.
  8. M

    Snow Dream - Coco & LED Closet Grow #2

    They are gorgeous. How much did you yield? what lights were you using? a 180w and a 200w? link brand? How much do you think you were cranking out compared to a HPS? Puff what do you think about this light...
  9. M

    600w HID Light Kits Which Ones to Avoid????

    Link to the one you got??
  10. M

    Anyone use this light/brand? AND get good results
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    Hey LED guys what do you think of these lights?

    what about this guy
  12. M

    Hey LED guys what do you think of these lights?

    What kinda light was it? Link?
  13. M

    Hey LED guys what do you think of these lights? I am looking at the 150w big brother one And this guy What would both of these lights produce in hps watts? Im guessing around...
  14. M

    flowering my 6 plants? LED content.. Post up yours???!?

    prob gonna go with this guy
  15. M

    flowering my 6 plants? LED content.. Post up yours???!?

    great info guys! thank you or the help and clarification
  16. M

    flowering my 6 plants? LED content.. Post up yours???!?

    I know you were prob expecting LED pics... Maybe someone can post some up?? Would this work for flowering my 6 plants?? im new to this whole LED...
  17. M

    What do you gurus think about this 600w light? Its gonna be in a basement, so Ill be able to...
  18. M

    Waz up? Need advice on this one 1000watt light

    Thank you for the link. I def want to use your inline fan setup, suuper dope and effective. Whats the difference between the link you posted and this guy: Is it the quality of the bulbs? On...
  19. M

    Waz up? Need advice on this one 1000watt light

    I like this guy thoughts?
  20. M

    Waz up? Need advice on this one 1000watt light

    I am staring a 6X4X6 lil room in my garage. Maybe 4 to 6 plants what do you guys think about this deal? maybe this 600w better quality...