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  1. cb99

    Where do I go from here....

    Can someone look at these new pics I've posted and tell me if you see any problems (other than she's darn freaking dormant). Thank you all. I appreciate each and everybody's knowledge.
  2. cb99

    Where do I go from here....

    Oh I know she's too big for this. I hadn't planned on the indoor thing. So many lessons learned this first time. :-( If I can get anymore lighting for her I will. At least she's not frozen. We've had two hard frosts since I brought her in. If she doesn't make it....well try and try again.
  3. cb99

    Where do I go from here....

    I brought her inside a week and a half ago. She was outside in a small greenhouse but after days of rain and cold temps I'd had enough with that. I am whacking as many lights as I can on top and around her as well as facing up. She is almost 5feet, indica. I slowed her down by exposing her to a...
  4. cb99

    Where do I go from here....

    Thank you so much Goten. I really appreciate it. Haven't ever got this far before.
  5. cb99

    Where do I go from here....

    Can someone check picture number 3 and let me know if it looks normal or not. Is that just the buds I see growing?
  6. cb99

    New Stoner Girl Here

    In Canada its very regulated. One individual is allowed 1-3 grams per day. I'm still delving into things up here. At least my doc is on my side. :-)
  7. cb99

    New Stoner Girl Here

    I'm going to be applying for both my license to grow and my license to use. I'm hoping my first darling little plant will take the edge off some of my pain. And make my hubby happy. hahaha
  8. cb99

    New Stoner Girl Here

    Nice to meet you CaliGrown. I'm quite new on this site also. An even newer grower. First female plant getting close to the finish. Can't believe I pulled it off with all the mistakes I've made. Lol
  9. cb99

    Where do I go from here....

    Its hard to see anything. I know I need to get a magnifier. Picture number 3 of one of the little popcorn. Does that look normal?
  10. cb99

    Still have buds growing outdoors

    Where I am, we had lousy weather in October..dreary, rainy and cool nights. I've brought my girl inside and am doing 12/12 until she finishes. The colder temps and lack of sun, really slowed her down outside, but she looks pretty darn healthy otherwise.
  11. cb99

    Where do I go from here....

    We had a couple of high 30's nights, but she was in a small green house so she wasn't affected by frost. Its just that there were too many days of 50 and below with too much rain.
  12. cb99

    Where do I go from here....

    I have been growing this girl since May of this year. She was outside from the end of July until a week ago, when cold, rainy weather forced is to bring her inside. Is it possible for a plant to just stay dormant after cold? She does seem to have added more mass to her cola. I can't get...
  13. cb99

    -3°C tonight in toronto... good luck to everyones girls

    Yes, I'm north as well and still going. As a newbie, I think I made every mistake in the book. She was hit with light when she shouldn't have been for a week or so outside (totally forgot that our livingroom light affected her dark time) Put her into a small greenhouse for a couple of weeks, but...
  14. cb99

    buds just aint growin

    I have made so many mistakes with my solitary afghan I had in a pot outside. Around August 20th, she showed a she. I'm guessing I'm into my 7th week of flowering. We had to bring her inside due to cold rainy days and even colder nights. I'm lucky we could do that. She is health, 5ft, and has no...
  15. cb99

    -3°C tonight in toronto... good luck to everyones girls

    I was lucky I guess. Only have one 5 foot afghan I was growing outside in a pot.. She has made the transition to indoors quite happily but the colder temps we've had for the past couple of weeks have slowed her down considerably. She is at 7 weeks flowering and easily has another 3 or so to go...
  16. cb99

    Finishing in cooler climates

  17. cb99

    Finishing in cooler climates

    Thanks KingsRow1. I was not standing in line when they gave out the Patience cards I guess. Hahaha
  18. cb99

    Finishing in cooler climates

    I keep trying to see what's happening on the top....but it is so fat now I can't see anything underneath. Still healthy....going to try some flowering nutrients to see if that can help.
  19. cb99

    Finishing in cooler climates

    Its a heck of a lot easier than outside Kingrow. Hahaha.
  20. cb99

    Finishing in cooler climates

    She seems to have adjusted well to the transition inside. No signs of stress thank god. I have as many lights possible whacked around her, as well as the window partially open to provide some circulation. I hate waiting.......