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  1. nazzlow

    Drying whole plant attached vs. Separating branches?

    I like to trim the whole plant first, while it's still in the pot, then cut it off at the base of the stalk, hang it intact for 4-5 days or until the outsides of the buds are starting to get crispy. Then I'll cut the buds off of the stems into paper grocery bags, and leave them open in the...
  2. nazzlow

    hanging the whole plant upside down....curing?

    I like to hang the whole plant for 4-5 days, then clip the buds into a paper grocery bag--leave the bag open in the drying area for a couple days, shaking it around once or twice per day, then close it for a couple more, then jar it up. It has worked well for me, but to each their own. Happy...
  3. nazzlow

    Defoliation - removing fan leaves for higher yield

    I do this with all of my plants, and it works quite well. I have height restrictions, so it helps keep them shorter (slows their growth in veg), but yields heavier at the end due to more light to the bud sites. To each their own, though--do what works for you, that's what I do. Peace.
  4. nazzlow

    My first order from Attitude seedbank (and more then likely my last) Review!!!

    Old thread, I know--but gotta say I'm a happy patron of attitude. I feel like they're reasonably priced, good selection, and shipping was super stealth. I ordered the coffee mug and everything came neatly tucked inside w/original packaging + freebies. Had it shipped to my office mail room and...
  5. nazzlow

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    Seeds marked "Bozeman Skunk" Skunk #1/Roadkill Skunk--pics at 71 days flowering. Giving 72 hours of dark and ice in the pots at 36 hours of dark to shock out more resin. Super frosty and smelly. I can hardly wait!