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  1. Pl4nK

    First Grow - Fem Snow White

    Congratulations mate, Took me about an hour to go through this journal, and for a virgin grower thats aloot of yield, What nutes did you use? (I admit i skipped about 2 pages) :lol: Hehe Good look on your next grow, may your yield be grande! Pl4nK
  2. Pl4nK

    1:7 seeds in 245hours germed..damnit man

    Try just putting it in some distilled water, then when it cracks put it in toilet paper
  3. Pl4nK

    ALot of questions? Help please experts!!

    You can also check out the grow FAQ, I'm sure other people will have different opinions than mine, and more useful.
  4. Pl4nK

    ALot of questions? Help please experts!!

    I think it will be ok to start giving nutes right away just start at little and build up the dosage over time. And no, the mixture does not need to change soil when your plants start flowering, just make sure the pot is big enough, since you are using the ground, you will be fine. Just remember...
  5. Pl4nK

    Yellowing Tops. Please Help. with pics

    Yeah just flush it, But the symptoms of nitrogen def are yellowish tops and eventually will go brown in small patches.
  6. Pl4nK

    Orange Bud

    I live in spain (Canary islands) This week its been real nice weather, HAve i planted them at the right time? I have 5 plants at about 1 inch each. I'll have pictures up here soon
  7. Pl4nK

    Orange Bud

    Ok thanks guys, i have been watering them once a day, and i think it is too much. I'm going to wait untill the soil gets a little dry and then water them. Is this a good idea? Thank you in advance for any comments xD Pl4nK
  8. Pl4nK

    Starting CFL's - Amazed by what you guys did.....

    Hey this thread took me about an hour to read from page 1-36, and i love it Nice plants im gonna stay tuned in :P Erm how do u know when it begins to flower, by an estimate of how old it is? or signs the plant shows? sorry for typin so much xD Bye!
  9. Pl4nK

    Yellowing Tops. Please Help. with pics

    You have a nitrogen defficiency. Keep us posted with pics when you have sorted the problem.
  10. Pl4nK

    New Outdoor Grower Question

    Yeah i have 5 dutch passion seeds (Orange Bud) And they are doing nicely, they are good for outdoor growing.
  11. Pl4nK

    How does weed survive in the Wild?

    ahh no, ilive in Spain ( Canary islands)
  12. Pl4nK

    How does weed survive in the Wild?

    I'm sure it is legally permitted to have 2 plants in your home, But i think that only applies where i am, Am i right?
  13. Pl4nK

    Take a look . .

    I am growing outdoor too, i planted Orange Bud and are about 1 week old now i live in The canary islands (Spain) Could you tell me if i have planted them at a good time? I think the right time to plant them is in about 2 months, but i dont know. Please comment, Thanks alot Pl4nK
  14. Pl4nK

    Orange Bud

    Ok thanks a loooot, how do you know when the flowering stage begins.
  15. Pl4nK


    I was going to do somethin similar, like have plants on a rocky wasteland/Mountain, but it's getting there to observe it and the risk of someone finding it.
  16. Pl4nK

    Protect yourself from the Police!

    Why don't you have to worry about the police in Canada? I live in Spain (Tenerife) and i can never imagine myself being caught. Maybe because im street wise.:bigjoint:
  17. Pl4nK

    Orange Bud

    Hey i recently bought 5 of dutch passion's Orange Bud:hump: and i've planted them outside in 3 gallon pots with soil, they are about 1 inch now and all they have is soil, sun and water. Since i live in spain they get plenty of Sun, what else could i do to improve them. I was thinking some...
  18. Pl4nK

    Help a noob

    Bump Bump Bump
  19. Pl4nK

    First grow. CFL/T5 Kali Mist (pics)

    I understand that - Red star means i have no clue what they are. N = Nitrogen * P = Phosphorous (Im sure matches have that in them) P = Potassium * And i dont understand the numbers at all, im guessing its the solution of nutes you mix with water, but i dont know. Please help