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  1. M

    CFL grow Showing spots

    This is how its looking at the moment. Gave it a lil prune of the spotty leaves. There are a couple ones just starting but i will leave them for a bit longer. Seems to be happening to the initial fan leaves. Not sure what the humidity would be like...
  2. M

    CFL grow Showing spots

    Yeah i did have a lil incling that i might be over watering, ill leave em without for a while. Cheers Incog.
  3. M

    CFL grow Showing spots

    I think they look like clones because the leaves are so low to the ground which is good cause i want to keep them low, but they are SUPER low, haven't really seen plants this low... Anyway i'm not using dolomite. The nutrients im giving them contain cal and mag which is 17.86 and 6.34...
  4. M

    CFL grow Showing spots

    Thanks for the input Lacy. Unfortunately they are not clones. They are random seeds that i have been given. Looking a bit wilty at the moment so i think ill let em go a lil while without water and see how the turn out.
  5. M

    CFL grow Showing spots

    My plants of about 3-4 weeks have started to start showing spots :( Details and pics are as follows... Watering with filtered water at a ph of about 6. Also using small amounts of Nutes (1ml per 500ml) Can give specs of nutrient (general purpose plant nutrient) Watering roughly 250ml every...
  6. M

    Lil CFL grow of mine

    Photo Update. Seems to still be growing, looks better today, maybe the light was too close... we shall see. Choof.
  7. M

    Lil CFL grow of mine

    Hmmm alright, ill go grab some ph down or something tomorrow, see if that helps. Ill also have a look at the light as well, see if they look like they are getting hot. *goes and checks, takes photos* Hmm looks like the water situation is good to me...? But yes, possibly the ph is off, or...
  8. M

    Lil CFL grow of mine

    Just checked on them then and took some photos. The spots on the biggest one which was going well, have now become more obvious. No not feeding nutes. Just 7ph water. Temps have been around 21c to 26c (70f - 79f) so not bad as far as i understand. Might give a water tonight... See how we...
  9. M

    Lil CFL grow of mine

    Got up this morning and the spots on one of my good plants had gotten worse and a couple of the leaf tips have started to curl upwards. Also watered the night before. Light is 2" away. Recently moved from 1". Not sure how to go about this. Ill leave it another day, see how she goes through...
  10. M

    Lil CFL grow of mine

    They are in 4.5ltr pots now, did that 3 days ago (probably missed that bit) and yeah i did read that the roots dont like light, but read that today.... doh. Not sure about the contest, but ill check it out ;) Cheers for comments. -Choof
  11. M

    Lil CFL grow of mine

    Hello guys and gals, thought i would introduce you all to my 3 plants. They originated from some random seeds i have been given. So along came the time when i thought it appropriate to plant them (ie sick of trying to source the stuff). So after a lot of reading on good ol RIU, i set to work...
  12. M

    Trichomes, THC and UVB light.....

    Hey there, Just thought i would point you guys to this site i came acorss. Lots of UVB specs of lights. I read that the Nec Black Light T10 20w rates high in the Snakes, Pythons, Lizards world. Lots of pet owners seem to speak highly of them. Quite cheap and considerable UVB output...