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  1. A

    CH9 Barney's Farm & Dutch Passion

    All the other's that came from SSC were great, germed faster than expected, tap root growth was incredibly fast, they never fully shelled but I'm sure that's my fault with the heat stress. I was just SO excited when I saw I got the Humboldt seed.... I threw it into germ immediately... It was...
  2. A

    CH9 Barney's Farm & Dutch Passion

    It was single seeds yeah they were running a 2 free ch9 with 30 euro purchase. I was getting my seeds anyways and got these freebs in the male. They were white, small, LIGHTLY speckled seeds that I didn't expect to germinate. My barney's and dutch passion germed out fine then got fucking...
  3. A

    CH9 Barney's Farm & Dutch Passion

    I will NEVER purchase a ch9 seed. They sent me two freebies with my vanilla kush, straw cough, and 8 ball kush. The 2 free seeds didn't even look viable to pop (and never did) The strawberry cough was the fastest germer The Vanilla Kush was the second 8 Ball Kush being the third. All plants...