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  1. X


    Ok Its been one day so I drained and started fresh got the ppm at 620... Super So you think the ones that curled are done for?
  2. X


    Ok I got some clearex I have been changing the res every week didnt know I should wash with clearex every other week and run for 2 days correct?
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    I been having problems with my nutes they go up as the week goes on I been adding new water to control it as much as I can. ppm start of the week 40 gal starting fresh 800 but it climbs 100-150 every day some time high as 1300 . I start with cuttings 3 strains but you are correct I believe they...
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    And this is happening to 5 of the bunch all on same table rest look good so Id like to stop what ever is going on if I can
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    Welp sure didnt wanna hear that what happen you think? So I can avoid this next time Im new to water was doin ok then this happen Thanks
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    At first I thought it was new growth but its not...Just has one single leaf and turns in on its self almost like the leaves are stuck unfolding thanks for any help
  7. X

    blue lab guardian ppm reading?

    Room temp is 75 and water temp 73 yeah i been adding 1-2 gal a day to keep the ppm down..I have another problem my leafs are getting curly its only happening to a few of them at first I thought it was just new growth not so sure now any thoughts?
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    blue lab guardian ppm reading?

    Moonunit, Thanks for the reply any thing I can do to get them to take in more nutes? or any other tips for 1st timer with ebb? They are looking great so far and Im real happy with the rate they are growing. Thanks again
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    blue lab guardian ppm reading?

    Got a blue lab guardian last week This maybe be a dumb Q but why does my ppm reading go up as the days go by shouldnt it be going down? Thanks
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    Smart pots

    Thanks for the reply I had to look up air prune Im off to a good start a lot to learn still. Thanks again
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    Smart pots

    Im using smart pots with grow rocks I see the roots are coming through the bag should I have the whole table filled with rocks? When I got the pots I was thinking the roots would be contained in the pot avoiding the need to use so many rocks. The roots need to be in the dark correct? Thanks
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    New to the site have a few Q on flood times

    Thanks for the reply from what I read 3 or 4 times a day on the flood by the time it floods and drains 20 min or so I guess should be good. What would be good to cover the rocks? I was thinking the smart pots would work If I cut some up but must be a cheaper way then that.
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    New to the site have a few Q on flood times

    Hello, New to the site and to ebb and flow been doing dirt this is my first water system Its off to a great start I started out hand feeding them and flooding the table. Im using grow rocks in smart bags with botanicare nutrients how many times a day should I flood and how long should the flood...
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    Moving from outside to inside?

    Thanks guys I moved them in this morning. I was thinking 8 on 16 off because thats about the day light it has been like out side but if i should do 12/12 let me know your thoughts Thanks
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    Moving from outside to inside?

    Hello all, Im new here have Q: Will it hurt them moving them now? Reason I ask is they maybe a few weeks till they are done flowering but the weather looks like nothin but rain and any sun will be over cast im guessing. I have a room already so if its safe would be no trouble to...