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  1. K

    Frost and Rain.

    It has frosted twice already in the last week. Once Friday, and once last night. On top of that it has rained all day today, and it is 58 degrees, suppose to drop down to 40 tonight. Should I go ahead and harvest these and take what I got, or let them go, and possibly lose them?
  2. K

    Changing the Taste

    Pour coca Cola on ur girl b4 chopping, and then she will taste like shit. no joke tho, ive heard of ppl curing with orange peals to change the smell/taste. Prolly ur best bet.
  3. K

    Bud Shot.

    Its bagseed. But it come from really good smoke. Its hard to find bad smoke around here. Ol dudes been growing this same seed line for 10 yrs
  4. K

    Bud Shot.

    no way haha were new to all this and all those trichomes are def. Not gettin cut off. There gettin fired up. And it tasted good anyways had like a sweet taste to it, and it was quick dried. Im sure the taste will improve alot after proper drying.
  5. K

    Bud Shot.

    So my buddy picked his girls tday...same strain that mine is. first thing I told him was he picked it a couple Weeks early. Its still fire tho he quick dried a bud also and smoked it wit me.
  6. K


    Sorry bout that.
  7. K


    She bout ready?
  8. K

    Is this normal?

    Thanks for the advice. im goin to check her tomorrow to see if shes rootbound.another thing I am wondering is if she is rootbound. Can I jus cut the bottom out of my pot and place the pot into a hole in the ground? Maybe that will prevent shock.
  9. K

    Is this normal?

    144 views. C'Mon people help a brother out.
  10. K

    Is this normal?

    This girl has been doin fine until the Las 2 or 3 days, shes about 4 ft tall, using some soil I mixed together with cow manure and feeding her jus rain water. I have her in like a 3 or a 5 gallon bucket not rlly sure which it is.All the buds look fine and are growing, but slowly. Ive read on...
  11. K

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    How much longer?
  12. K

    Who's Got The Frostiest Outdoor?

    Good ol Kentucky chronic.
  13. K

    A curious newb!

    why would it get stolen? Im the only person that knos about it other than this site. Thats crazy. The strain is a cross between skunk, and some bagseed my buddy had Las yr. Its fire. Smells like fruity pebbles haha no joke
  14. K

    2012 Harvest

    How much did you yield?
  15. K

    A curious newb!

    Ok so this is my first yr actually getting a few plants going good. Never have I made it this far before, not because of the grow conditions but paranoid about law enforcement. Anyways, I was just curious on what you all thought of my girl here. If you could, tell me an estimate of the least...
  16. K

    does the purple stay after drying?

    I was just wondering, I've never seen purple buds.
  17. K

    does the purple stay after drying?

    The title says it all...
  18. K

    going on 5 weeks. yeild estimate?

    Anyone got pics? I would love to see her. Bet that girl looked like a pine tree.
  19. K

    going on 5 weeks. yeild estimate?

    10 lbs off of 1 plant! Gotta call bullshit on that one. I'm talking about in like 5 months of growing. 5 months a plant does not grow that big.
  20. K

    going on 5 weeks. yeild estimate?

    I'm just saying that it seems like a pretty cool growing technique that I have never heard of. It obviously works or my plant would look like shit lol. I'm not saying I can outgrow any of you cannot say this plant doesn't look good and healthy. Before bashing on someone's grow why...