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  1. joshuaaa

    yeah bro what r u after?

    yeah bro what r u after?
  2. joshuaaa

    Herbies Autoflowering Seeds.

    good deliverys in new zealand!
  3. joshuaaa

    Free Grow Software!

    this is cool
  4. joshuaaa

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    1st attempt at scrog, didnt calculate for the amount of stretch i had in the sativa over the indica next to it
  5. joshuaaa

    Methods to Reduce High Electricity Bills

    sorry just read legal haha, well the cheapest form of heating is still woodburner even though heat pump companys label their heating systems is $1 a day - on the lowest setting
  6. joshuaaa

    Methods to Reduce High Electricity Bills

    get your hotpoints rewired to run BEHIND the meter, got a sparky mate?
  7. joshuaaa

    Herbies picknmix free seeds Big Bud#2

    mine grew like crazy i got 1 fem and one male so kept them 2gether got about 200 seeds to last me a lifetime, had no problems other than the yeild wasnt that good as they were outdoors under a tree, smoke wasnt too bad either had to pull early as i had a house inspection, did you get the kandy kush?
  8. joshuaaa

    When will my buds start showing some weight?

    5th week of flowering and just showing pistils? id say thats more like the 2nd week, have you had any light leaks or been messing with their darkness period? put a pic up
  9. joshuaaa

    Seeds to Australia

    4 years later?
  10. joshuaaa

    herbies headshop any good??

    wow thats a score, wish i had done that i only use herbies, 4 orders perfect now and ive never seen a bad review about herbies, look at all the bad reviews about attitude...
  11. joshuaaa

    PH going up dont know why, with pics of budding scrog

    i dump the whole res every fortnight, no light leaks to res as its in another room, its also happening to my dwc setup aswell, its like the plant is changing it as sometimes my ppm jumps too, im thinking its drinking more water than nutes
  12. joshuaaa

    PH going up dont know why, with pics of budding scrog

    using flairform with tap water, keeping ppm around 1100 its good stuff and ph is the last thing i adjust, but even if i dont add any more nutes or water the ph jumps up
  13. joshuaaa

    PH going up dont know why, with pics of budding scrog

    its actually happening to some dwc aswell, in new zealand meant to be autum but still geting high temp days, someone said it could be the temp mucking with everything but my resivours are cool
  14. joshuaaa

    PH going up dont know why, with pics of budding scrog

    hey guys iv got 2 plants in a recirculating system, i adjust ph to 5.8 everyday and the next its between 7.5 and 8, using a proper ph down and it works good, my ph meter is calibrated properly whats up with this im going thru a 350ml bottle of this ph down every three weeks now for some pics...
  15. joshuaaa

    Cloning 101 - Slumped & Screwed

    sticky this will come in handy for any1 wanting to clone
  16. joshuaaa

    HPS Bulb Differences?

    thanks hyroot this is the most useful info onlighting ive ever read on this site, i use a combo of t5's and hps but the cost of running 2x 1000 watt is killing into my profit, i wont be so quick to bag fluros now + rep!
  17. joshuaaa

    Chest Muscles

    take up boxing? keeps me fit, i hate pushups benchpress is unbeatable