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  1. ReptarKush

    Wondering if I should transplant or not

    alright i think i will just keep it in the same pot even though i could easily squeeze out my girl since she is in a nursey pot thats what i think they would call those types of pots. i don't want to stress her out at all i love the way she turned out she has stinker buds then the older one that...
  2. ReptarKush

    Wondering if I should transplant or not

    I'm wondering if I should transplant this girl into the bigger pot next to her in the picture. She is about 4 weeks into flowering and is budding but she is budding really slowly and not forming really big buds unlike my other girl I have. This is my first time having a pretty successful grow so...
  3. ReptarKush

    I have a problem with a couple of my plants :/

    alright will do hopefully it isn't too far away thats really the only problem but i did find some cal mag on ebay so idk i'm thinking of getting that
  4. ReptarKush

    I have a problem with a couple of my plants :/

    Well thanks a lot with the help I've been really wondering what was wrong with the girls they were growing so beautifully til this happened I mean the buds look great though and I would love for them to swell up more when I fix this problem :D
  5. ReptarKush

    I have a problem with a couple of my plants :/

    Fuck well I'll have to go online and hope they don't take too long to ship it. I don't believe I have any hydro stores around here.
  6. ReptarKush

    I have a problem with a couple of my plants :/

    Alright thanks I'll have to get me some. Do you know where I could get it? Like possibly at home depot?
  7. ReptarKush

    I have a problem with a couple of my plants :/

    The leaves are getting brown spots and get really crispy where I can touch them and easily tear off the parts that are like that. I thought it might of been from the gnat infestation that I had but now I got it under control and nothing really has changed much. I'm doing a soil grow. Ph is...
  8. ReptarKush

    I have a problem with a couple of my plants :/

    The leaves of my girls are starting to look like they have a problem and I'm not positive on what the problem would be. One plant is almost ready to harvest maybe in like 2 weeks or so and idk if I should really be worried about the leaves or if its just part of the cycle and the other plant...
  9. ReptarKush

    Need Help Wondering Sexes of My Plants

    alright thanks guys i'll keep checking and post some new pics of them if i can't figure it out since this is my first grow
  10. ReptarKush

    Need Help Wondering Sexes of My Plants

    alright thanks should i keep it growing to make sure? or just butcher it now?
  11. ReptarKush

    Need Help Wondering Sexes of My Plants

    I feel positive that one of them is a female but I feel like the other one might turn to be a hermaphrodite can anyone maybe tell and help out?
  12. ReptarKush

    Need Help Wondering If I Should Continue Growing This Girl

    thanks i will definately keep her alive then but should i put her into flowering with her sisters? i only have one grow box, which is my veg and flowering box, at the moment and so pretty much i was planning to put them all in the same stage when they were ready and i think i'm ready to put her...
  13. ReptarKush

    Need Help Wondering If I Should Continue Growing This Girl

    Here is what her sisters look like.
  14. ReptarKush

    Need Help Wondering If I Should Continue Growing This Girl

    I'm wondering if i should continue growing this girl she has two other sisters that are doing great but for some reason she isn't growing as well and idk what is completely wrong with her i looked up on what could be wrong and the only thing i could think of that she has symptoms to are...