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  1. O

    Mylar vs. Flat White Paint

    Probably doesn't make much difference. I left the mylar up. I think opening the door to look in and check things out darkens the mylar lined room more so than the white walled room.
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    Any Experience with FloraNova, Leaf Feeding?

    I started using GenHydro's FloraNova on the youngins a week ago when they were 3 weeks old. I use it in every other watering and have applied it to the leaves a couple times at around an eighth teaspoon/gallon. No problems so far. I'll probably start makin it a bit stronger for regular...
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    My closet grow

    Dude, That's a nice space! Clean, simple, organized. And look at all the leaves on that little girl (you must know it's a girl). I bet it would just about fill the closet if you scrog it. I only use soil but it's good to see your pics, lots of food for thought.
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    I call it: The BillyBob scrOG.

    That is a bitchin grow! I'd like to scrog but can't figure out how I'd leach with the screen in place. I'm hopin for 3 or 4 (mayb 5?) girls in my 3x3x7 room and am thinkin I'll have to take em out to leach. Looks like you can just let it spill onto the floor. Very nice. I saved a copy of...
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    Pruning Cherry Bomb, Blueberry, Ice, Chocolate Chunk

    I think I've got 1 Blueberry, 1 Ice, 2 Chocolate Chunk, and 4 Cherry Bomb plants all around 3 inches now. The Blueberry looks very indica. The Cherry Bomb looks kinda indica but I'm not sure. I've read it's good to prune Blueberry and Ice but not Chocolate Chunk. Haven't found any...
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    Mylar vs. Flat White Paint

    I've got a 3x3x7 room. I'm gonna yank the mylar off the walls, I think it was brighter without it, I just put another coat of flat white paint on before this grow. I've got a cheep 3-in-1 light-moisture-pH meter, but I don't think it's sharp enough to tell the difference. The mylar reflects...
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    Screwed by Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds

    At the Green Man's page there's a a "monthly update" that rates seed banks (Green man's Seedbank Update). I checked out the highly rated one's. There are a couple in Canada that accept international money orders which they claim can be refunded. This sounds like a good way to go for web...
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    911 call excuse for cops to come to your house

    Lots of crazy shit happenin to lots of people, I'm not comparing my experience to anyone else's. Cops came to my house once when my girl friend called 911 because she was freakin as she does from time to time. Parameds took her to mental health, cops asked me to pull the 10 or so plants, and I...
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    Screwed by Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds

    $15 maybe, 15 euros no.
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    Screwed by Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds

    Well if they're legit then they're stupid f*#kers - if the REGISTERED MAIL option is better, why don't they offer it on the original order? And more maddening is that they're lecturing me about the possibility of fraud after I have just spent a $100 for an education in this kind of thing...
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    amsterdam marijuana seeds . com

    Yes, they have a nice looking site but I think it's a rip off. I never received anything when I ordered from them in November of 2007.
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    Screwed by Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds

    In late November of 2007 I placed an order with Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds at their website - (For better or worse, I live in the USA.) Over a month later, nothing had arrived so I sent them an email. They wrote back quickly, "We are trying to find...