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    Miracle Grow Works Fine

    interesting to say the least I can see the only issue here being the final flush procedure. Perhaps your flushing protocol isn't as optimal as it could be? especially if you're still experiencing a bad taste and smell after the fact. Finally I wonder if there's a way to really get good results...

    The Smells of our Strains

    Well about to start some samsara seeds as soon as they come in, I honestly wonder if a bud can smell of chocolate lmao, that and pena colada

    The Smells of our Strains

    ahhh, artificial watermelon would be great then lmao, I loved that shit when I was a kid.

    Free Grow Software!

    I like this program, my only issue was not being able to install it on my mac, OSX 10.6

    Miracle Grow Works Fine

    Ashes will raise your PH over time because the alkali in the ashes will eventually begin to accumulate in the soil, back in the day it was used back in the day to manufacture lye. yada yada fight club

    Seasonal Growing

    Hey, getting underway here I kinda came up with a neat little question in my head. Seasonal performance. Do any home growers switch out the strains they grow to gain the benefit of external temperature changes? IE: utilizing a Sativa during the summer auto flowers in between and Indica's when...

    The Smells of our Strains

    props for that last one, I was kind of wondering about the whole scent phenotype, Recently I got the go ahead from my roommates to start a small grow, and I want to extend my gratitude and show a little respect by not skunking them out. so doing, limited research on available strains I started...

    Flowering pics from week 7ish + clones etc. :) + updates

    JJ love your set up, those girls of yours are looking super fine, and way chunky. what kind of air system are you using ? stone? curtains? Also whats the out put of your air pump?

    Miracle Grow Works Fine

    Hi, first post here, you probably don't want to hear this from some noob on the site, but I have grown other plants in my life, and MG is often one of those constant mentions in all ag forums, the truth is that MG was originally formulated for tomatoes, way back in the day, however at the time...