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  1. O

    23.5/.5 Light

    Whether you're doing 18/6, 24/0, or 23.5/0, consistency is very important. Each time the growing conditions change the plant has to adjust to the changes, and this takes time and energy. The plant wants the same thing, everyday, every night. This is important in all phases of growth, IMO.
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    my soldiers

    lady bugs rock.
  3. O

    Substitutes for mylar and etc...

    the following is an excerpt from The Best of Ask Ed; Your Marijuana Questions Answered, Ed Rosenthal, page 51: "Mylar reflects more than 90% of the light, while mirrors reflect 70% or less. Aluminum foil reflects about 75%; flat white paint reflects about 85% and semi-gloss white about 80%...
  4. O

    1st grow need insight

    As far as I know, preflowers are preflowers. They do not indicate anything except that the plants are mature enough to grow flowers, either male or female. Bottled drinking water is usually just tap water that has been filtered. If you are going to spend the money on bottled water, use...
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    tossed 10 seeds in one pot for cloning

    How and when will you separate the boys from the girls? By the time you know which is which, they will be all tangled up and you won't be able to separate them.
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    Yellowing / Rottening / Burning?

    probably a little too much water. let the soil dry out a little more before you water. your leaves are droopy because they are heavy with water. the yellowing looks more like a deficiency than fert burn. i could be wrong, but i think fert burn starts at the outside edge of the leaf and burns...
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    Whats Better 250 watt MH Bulb or 250 watt HPS

    You can grow good buds with a 250 hps. Make sure you have good reflectivity in the room and keep lots of air moving through it. You'll be surprised.
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    ****how much?!?!****

    please excuse my sudden burst of ignorance, but what the hell is a rep and where can i find this type of information? Thank you.
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    Check out the ladies after 18 days of vegging !!!

    They definitely look great, but 18 days of vegging? Surely you don't mean that those plants are just 18 days old. Do you? Were they big clones or something? I don't care how old they are. That's a nice, healthy garden you have there. Someone already mentioned it but it is worth repeating...
  10. O

    911, emergency!!!! Wtf?

    i think all that "flushing" and messing is what is killing your plant. you could transplant into soil with better drainage. AND/OR, next time you water it, which shouldn't be for about a week, just use water. don't add anything to it. check/adjust the ph, and that's it. maybe i am missing...
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    Am I weird?

    Putting it outside was not an option. One of the others did the same thing about two days later. Killed it too. Same batch of seeds.
  12. O

    Am I weird?

    It was definitely female, but started growing nuts three weeks into flowering. I cracked one open and found pollen, or at least something that looked like pollen. There are two others in the room that I do not want pollinated so I sacrificed the one.
  13. O

    Am I weird?

    I killed it.
  14. O

    Am I weird?

    Sorry about the pictures. I'll try to fix them or get new ones. I have two other plants in there with it, so I guess this one has to die. Dam. It's a nice plant, but so are the other two. Thanks for the guidance.
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    Am I weird?

    Can someone please tell me if this is normal? When I saw the little nub in the first picture I said to myself, "is that a male organ or a seed or what the hell is that thing?" Looked around some more and noticed another, like the one in the second picture. See the little hair that's curled up...
  16. O

    secondary lighting ?

    400w for a 3x3x5 space. Isn't that enough? Yes, I'm a rookie.
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    Questions about starting a OP in a rented house

    " As I understand it most people who chose to do the rental thing (vs. a small grow at home) is so that they can have a larger garden which, if busted, would be a felony instead of a misdemeanor. By renting and not having their real identity tied to the place if they drive up one day and see DEA...
  18. O

    Extremely early sexing...

    I'd say it's a strong indication of an impatient gardener.
  19. O

    First time, I'm hooked.

    Thanks Darknight. Some of the stuff I've read on this and other sites gives me a headache. I enjoy a little ghetto slang as much as the next guy, but I think it's gotten a little out of hand. Anyway, thanks for the compliments. P.
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    First time, I'm hooked.

    Thanks Cheetah and Oshit. I never show the plants to anyone so it's good to get some positive feedback. I think you're right about leaving them in the 2gallon pots. I didn't want them to get too tall anyway. My next grow will be a different story. I'm working on a new growth chamber with a lot...