Search results

  1. S

    just a simple grower hiding in my closets unfortantly not on the west coast, so just polishing...

    just a simple grower hiding in my closets unfortantly not on the west coast, so just polishing my work till the rest of the country gets on the same page..... one nation under GOD - but you can only grow in about 1/5 of the states ........ wake up America .... a joint a night or should i slam...
  2. S

    Fuck THCFarmer.. What about a legit auction site?

    yea, man i kinda get that vibe from Logic myself but 37k users on the farm and alot of educated farmers on there for sure..... yea and the alien bins are insane last bin drop generated 50k in minutes everyone wants the fruity pebble og - 1k a bin..... I know people need to pay there bills but...
  3. S

    Fuck THCFarmer.. What about a legit auction site?

    go to all mr nice gear is legit auctioned on there but you need to be on in last few minutes or you will be outbid by a dollar. There is only about 800 reg users and its all 15 packs with usuallly about 23 beans or so in it. If in USA not gonna get them in breeder packs...
  4. S

    question about strain - help please

    well my buddy gifted me some seeds that had mawi wawi written on the bag, well i cant seem to find any info on this strain with that spelling, been in flowering room 42 days nice buds everywhere but nothing really giant is this a 112 day strain - ill post a picture later thanks in advance...
  5. S

    same state as you........... friend requested you............what strains if any you got...

    same state as you........... friend requested you............what strains if any you got going............peace
  6. S

    Flowering question

    buds generally start to flower in week two, early stages you can tell where your flowers-buds will be growing from - and fim them more flowers more buds.... good luck nice strain to start with peace
  7. S

    Dummy plant stolen!!! :-(

    well first post - here we go, you should not even let him know you know it was him, i would just keep my eye on the other two. Never let anyone know where your shit is and if you fuck him up it will be nothing but a hassle. Especially if police get involved just keep it as a lesson learned - one...