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  1. B

    this a cal problem

    Sure looks like cal to me. However I would be wary of adding any more cal/mag to your water until you know what your starting ppm is. Most tap water has enough calcium to support plant growth. PH lockout is the usual cause of cal def. Addim more cal/mag will lock out other nutes if you are not...
  2. B

    White powdery stuff on soil surface...

    Hard to see from your pics but it does look like some sort of mold/mildew. I personally would go to new soil. Treat your plant with Seranade if you start seeing signs of it on your plant. You can try to spray Seranade on the soil and see if it goes away. And use Seranade outdoors as it stinks...
  3. B

    Blue Magoo oversensitive to ferts?

    My first Blue Magoo grow here and I was wondering if anyone else had some experience with this strain. I just transplanted them at 8 inches tall to hydroton. Using lucas formula at 350PPM and it is showing signs of nute burn on lower leaves. I am going to back off to 200PPM for a bit. Just...
  4. B

    Nutrient Burn getting much worse.

    I have an answer for you and I am a n00b to this board, go fuck yourself with a cactus. Your plant is the way it is because you are a n00b moron who is to retarded to find the answer on his own without the help of others. If you ask questions here, be prepared to get answers that are not always...