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    How Does She Look? Any Training Suggestions?

    If i tie it, the outside / lower branches wont get much sun. I have heard of people harvesting the top half of the plant and leaving the lower popcorn buds on to get bigger. Anyone ever done this before?
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    How Does She Look? Any Training Suggestions?

    just wondering if i should tie her down or just wait till flower and leave it alone. had a bunch a white hairs about 2 weeks ago but now its just growing taller. THANKS
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    exoerienced growers!!!!!

    thanks i think thats what is starting to grow dammit! but maybe it hasnt opened up all the way yet.
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    exoerienced growers!!!!!

    hey so when your telling if a plant is male or female. i know that a female has white hairs growing but what does a male flower look like?
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    okay youll hear from me again soon.
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    word well it looks way healthy. it already has a fan and a light. there is no fertalizer at all and i water it like every day. should i really starve it for 4 days?
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    im growing one plant and its only about 5 inches tall but it has multiple sets of leaves. some of them are already turing yellowish and falling off is that bad? is it too early for it to be doing that? and how many hours of light? 6right?
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    Neeed an experienced growers opinion

    my stems turning red. does that mean shwag or dank? its about 6 inches tall
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    Red Plant!

    the stems are red. good or bad? andddd how long until i can start flowering these babies
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    Anyone ever have the middle part of your stem turn reddish?

    you should probably just reply and tell me what the deal is. otherwise im gon be soo stoaked for so long for nothing.
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    Anyone ever have the middle part of your stem turn reddish?

    does the redness in the middle of the stem make my pot super dank? or is it normal? and how long til itll flower so i know if its a lady or not
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    its red bra!!!

    hey the middle part of my stem is turning red. does that mean my plants gonna be dankness? its only like 5 inches tall but is that good?
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    whats tha safest way to transplant ?!?!?!?!!?!?
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    just a small pot like 7 inches in diameter
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    whats the safest and best way to transplant my plant into better soil?
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    Let's Use Correct Grammar!

    if u have apple there a built in spellchecker ya pc noobs
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    400 thanks
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    like an open space wiht the lights 2 feet away 2 of them mayeb 3x3
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    Whats Good Soil And Whatsa Good Light To Buy?

    I Wana Know What I Gotta Buy Tomaorow?!?!?!
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    what type of soil and light will i need to but to have a good chance at yeilding?