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  1. Nogoodnamesleft

    *Vertical* 2,000watts = 6lbs!!

    Lumatek makes them my freind.... there is another 750w about to hit the market thats gonna be pretty hot I think.... its being showcased at the annual post PGTA 4/20 party in vegas..... I havent had any RFI/EMI probs w my lumateks.... we'll see about the new ones. Cheers, NgNl
  2. Nogoodnamesleft

    *Vertical* 2,000watts = 6lbs!!

    yer not to hip on whats new on the market are you? ..... id go into depth about plasma bulbs, but id say you wouldnt believe those exsist either... I see you have over 3k posts.... and most of those are the " lol, yeah... agree" type.... best of luck to you pal (also check your math....750w...
  3. Nogoodnamesleft

    *Vertical* 2,000watts = 6lbs!!

    Both rooms are running 12 750w digitals, and I have pulled anywhere between 7-16 lbs in the time I have dialed in my room and found a consistant plant that is freindly to my style. The last pull came down as 16lb, and was slightly higher than the last.. so it is increasing as I go. Lotsa time...
  4. Nogoodnamesleft

    *Vertical* 2,000watts = 6lbs!!

    yes indeed.. any pic I ever post will always be my own unless otherwise noted. Cheers, NgNl
  5. Nogoodnamesleft

    Where did all the LSD go?

    I apologize if hot linking is against the TOU here, I saw no mention of it. If anyone has an interest in LSD, they should visit this site Free William Leonard Pickard and learn about the silo. Please support Pickard and Apperson. write to our brothers in prison.... Cheers, NgNl
  6. Nogoodnamesleft

    *Vertical* 2,000watts = 6lbs!!

    I as well prefer Verical lamps. The pics Ive seen here look wonderfull. Cheers, NgNl
  7. Nogoodnamesleft


    Hello, My name is Nogoodnamesleft. I am a Prop 215 Medical grower and registered care taker. I enjoy cultivating Cannabis, the propogation of clones for other medical patients, and exploring the wide world of extracts. Thank you for having me, and I look forward to learning all that you...