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  1. S

    Guerrilla grow in trash bags?

    I can water and feed through the top hole, where the plant stalk comes out. And yeah, I'll stab some holes in the bottom for drainage. I don't plan to move the bags and I've heard of people moving growbags without an issue anyway. Hmm.. bags getting too hot. Perhaps I could just go with a...
  2. S

    Guerrilla grow in trash bags?

    Would it be possible to grow in big thick black garbage bags? My plan is to fill them up with soil, tie the top in a knot and then open up a small hole at the top to transplant the plant into. I'll lean them against a fallen tree so they don't fall over during storms. Good idea, bad idea?
  3. S

    How close can plants be before flowering?

    Anyone have an idea?
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    How close can plants be before flowering?

    How close can plants be before they go into flower? I'm planning a guerrilla grow and it would cut down on work if I could plant groups of two plants 30cm apart and then kill one when I was sure it was a male. Would this work?
  5. S

    Accessing guerrilla spots - how?

    Hey now that I think about it there are a few small fallen trees in the area that I'd be able to walk along and jump off. I don't have enough space to work with to be making fake trails, but the jumping and log walking are great ideas, cheers :)
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    Accessing guerrilla spots - how?

    Anyone? Obviously I understand the rudimentary 'try not to crush everything' and using a different entrance each visit but I was wondering if there were any special techniques to help make it seem untouched.
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    Accessing guerrilla spots - how?

    So I've scouted out some superb guerrilla spots, but all of them have dense foliage which will be trampled and create a path if I have to get to my plants twice a week. How do I get past thick vegetation without leaving an obvious trail?
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    Outdoor Grow Questions

    They want a pay rise, apparently their salaries aren't 'keeping up with the cost of living'. And they get to do that anyway, golly I sure can't wait until they introduce those human x-ray machines...
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    Outdoor Grow Questions

    Goddamnit I re-checked the site and Customs just went on strike AGAIN from the fifth to the eighth. That would explain why it's taking so long for them to reach me...
  10. S

    How do I ask for nutrients?

    Tomorrow I'm going to go to a garden centre and pick up my nutes for my first grow, but I have a bit of a problem: I don't know what normal people call liquid nutrients. If I walk in and say "I need two bottles of nutes, one for vegging and one for flowering, for uh.. tomatoes" they're going to...
  11. S

    Outdoor Grow Questions

    It's not the best idea to give out false information, yeah? Dogs can easily smell the seeds, plus they can be picked up by X-ray . Really it all depends on luck and where you live. Pwee and I pretty much have the worst chance of getting our seeds just because of Australian customs; they're...
  12. S

    Outdoor Grow Questions

    Thanks, me too! The postage in our country is absolute rubbish so honestly I'm not really expecting it by today anyway. If it doesn't show up in two weeks I don't know what I'll do, I can't really call because if it's already been seized by customs I'm pretty much admitting I ordered something...
  13. S

    Outdoor Grow Questions

    Nothing as of yet, apparently it arrived in Australia two days after it was posted, but that's as far as the tracking goes. It's been over a week since it arrived in the country and I still haven't got it yet, it's probably just AusPost being slow as usual. It's going to annoy the hell out of me...
  14. S

    Outdoor Grow Questions

    Yeah true that... TBH I actually am pretty nervous about the seeds being delivered, but I figure there's almost zero chance of getting caught growing because it's such a passive activity and the police aren't ever going to stake out a single plant. Haha photography isn't a bad excuse, I might...
  15. S

    Difference between fetiliser and nutrients?

    Hi, I know this must be a stupid question but I haven't been able to find an answer to it: What's the difference between fertiliser and nutrients? It seems like they both 'feed' the plant by giving it a combination of NPK and micronutrients, but everyone is saying that they need both a bag of...
  16. S

    Outdoor Grow Questions

    Nope, I don't plan on doing anything until the plants are a few weeks old. If they get discovered or die I would have wasted a bunch of time and money for nothing. I don't need to do much prep anyway - the soil is pretty decent so I just plan to dig it up and loosen it up to get air into it...
  17. S

    Outdoor Grow Questions

    No problem, honestly I'm real tightly wound up about all this because it's the first time I've done it and it's making me tense knowing that if I get caught I'm in for a world of trouble. I ordered from, the guy who runs it sent me a picture of where they were hidden in the...
  18. S

    Outdoor Grow Questions

    Yeah I think I'm overthinking the germination - I'll just chuck them on some wet paper towel between two plates under my bed. Man that sucks for your friend, I can't imagine how I'd feel if most of my plants were dead three days in. That's why I'm worried - I can't make them nice and strong...
  19. S

    Outdoor Grow Questions

    Also just out of interest, I went on Google Earth and found a park very similar to the one I plan on planting in. Say the red dots were grow spots with one plant each, and the blue lines are bush walking trails. It it reasonable to expect the plants would reach maturity without being discovered...
  20. S

    Outdoor Grow Questions

    Yeah, I think I'm probably expecting too much. I'd be fairly happy with one female plant making it to harvest though, so I don't think I'll be disappointed. I figure planting ten plants at five spots is the best idea - at most I'll have two plants at each spot, probably one in each because...