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  1. C

    how long to veg in my space you think?

    Soda can reflector? Nice... I'll have to keep that in mind for next >.> When you go to flower, you should switch both your CFLs to 2700k for increased red spectrum, if not already. And if you're LSTing, sativa or indica shouldn't mater much except in how long it takes to finish flowering.
  2. C

    Check out my female

    How close is your light? I can't tell. @400w PLUS fan, you should bring it down 4-8 inches to minimize streching, increase lumens and light intensity, and get bad bad bud growth that engulfs the stem. General rule of thumb is if it's too hot for your hand, your plants like it either...
  3. C

    Budget Grow

    To bring oxygen down to the roots and promote their growth while further breaking down unusable compost and such into nutrients later used by plants. It's a technique used in hydro and sometimes aeroponics, though it's overkill for the later and nutrients don't need to be broken down in such...
  4. C

    New Grow Room, First Grow

    Either bring down your lights or bring up your plants. CFL's are most effective between 1"-4". For your roots, use 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water.:leaf:
  5. C

    Sorry, but I'm not too big on just giving away my email without assuring I'm not being spammed...

    Sorry, but I'm not too big on just giving away my email without assuring I'm not being spammed or botted
  6. C

    Budget Grow

    Hey there, this is gonna be my first grow, but I've done at least a couple years of reading into this... Let's hope I'm ready. 3 strains, 6 plants and about a hundred bucks. Strain 1: Nepalese Strain 2: (Shiva x Skunk) x Bubblegum Kush Strain 3: Bag seed. I think the flowers smelled a little...
  7. C

    Budget Growing

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