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  1. Stelth

    First DWC

    Nice setup man, good luck to you :-)
  2. Stelth

    ebb & flood vs drip feed?

    Thanx for the tip
  3. Stelth

    which seed bank?

    Got all that i needed from attitude
  4. Stelth

    First grow nuts...?

    Hi Im looking for nuts for my first grow in combo ebb&flood / drip feed. Where i live we dont have the luxury of the diversity of brands that the most of you have, I can order from overseas but that will be expensive due to the weight. BUT i have good access to the following brands: GHE GO...
  5. Stelth

    DutchPot System Aero 1m²

    Thanks for the awnser, it did sounded too good to be t..... :-)
  6. Stelth

    DutchPot System Aero 1m²

    Hi I am a newbe to growing, and was sitting reading about aero (first time ever), found this complete kit - DutchPot System Aero 1m² and was amazed by the text sayin you can grow 60 plants in a system like this, so i hade to hear it from the pros her :-) 1. Can you actual grow 60 plants in a...
  7. Stelth

    ebb & flood vs drip feed?

    Thanx for the tip. i got outboard rez, and i dont need to raise or lower the table, sins i got 8ft to the ceiling. ill see if can get that timer somewhere in the UK again thanx for the info :-)
  8. Stelth

    ebb & flood vs drip feed?

    im wondering what of the two to use for what stage. I got one ebb&flood and one drip feed system, should i use ebb for budding and drip for veg or the other way around? thanx :-)
  9. Stelth

    Odor free crow up, possible?

    Thanx guys that did it, construction on its way....:)
  10. Stelth

    Odor free crow up, possible?

    Hi im planning a setup here with a one "seald" flower room and another room for veg. The setup will be as follow, grow room have a carbon filer and negative pressure, the outlet from grow goes into anoter bigger room, that also will have a carbon filter, before venting out. Will this...