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  1. SmokeNGuns420

    Has anyone seen this bug?

    Haven't seen them nibbling on the leaves. I usually see them around the stem. When I squish them they're full of green liquids. Probably the nutrients.
  2. SmokeNGuns420

    Has anyone seen this bug?

    I've just seen a few but as soon as I see them I kill em. Are they or could they be related to soldier beetles?
  3. SmokeNGuns420

    Has anyone seen this bug?

    I've been noticing these bugs in random spots around my plants. I kill them as soon as I see them but is this something I should worry about?
  4. SmokeNGuns420

    Can we get an LED lighting subsection under Indoor Growing?

    I agree LED's should have their own sub category. Just because other people don't like it doesn't mean we can't help out each other as LED technology is changing. Got my vote.
  5. SmokeNGuns420

    Feds threaten to shut down all Cali dispensaries!

    Shit has really hit the fan and everybody is looking for the quick cash out. It all comes back to money and the power people have with it. Obama doesn't have control. For those of you waiting for Obama to make a change keep waiting. They are only looking for profit and that's all that matters to...
  6. SmokeNGuns420

    Where Can I Make Money?

    I work as a Union Carpenter. The work is a little labor intensive but you learn to make the material work for you, stay one step ahead of what your doing and by the time you know it your work is done. I've been at it for almost two year and making $30+. ANY Union trade will pay well as long as...