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  1. C

    first time grow update

    its a month or or maybe a month and half into flowering. and i would be happy with that. This being my first time iknew that I woulldnt get ALOT of yeild from it. esp cuz of the lights.
  2. C

    first time grow update

    Yeah I know its not gonna yeild that much. Im just hopeing for a bowl out of each little flower that i got going on there. and theres like 10 little flowers like that. This is my first time so its a learn process :) Next time i should do better. This seed is from just a bag of high mid grade...
  3. C

    first time grow update

    thanks for the reply. Yeah lights have been a factor since day 1. next time im gonna get better lights and a fan :)
  4. C

    first time grow update

    wish i had more replys :)
  5. C

    Weird but good question lol

    thats one of them but my package said 60wats i belive, either that or 75 The other one I cant find but it said it was 75wats and its a round cfl bulb Like I said, Im kinda confused on the lighting. Im not sure what I should buy for just a small closet grow like this. i wouldnt thing a strip...
  6. C

    Weird but good question lol

    All i know is when I bought the bulbs at wal mart it sai 75 wats on the package ( i dont know what the actul wattage is but thats the package said. lol Im soo not expericnes with lights and all that. Ill look online and post the pics of the 2 exact bulbs I have in there.
  7. C

    Weird but good question lol

    how old is that plant?
  8. C

    Weird but good question lol

    thanks. Thats good advice. I was thinking about getting 2 more lights like the ones I got and put them on both sides of the plant. Now this may be a really dumb question but Im kinda confused on how the bud actuly forms or comes from on the plant. Where does the actul bud come from? know what i...
  9. C

    Weird but good question lol

    So this is my ghetto setup. My question is i have these white t shirts hanging up as you can see. This "looks" like it produces more lighting for the little guy. But is it really? I had this weird idea cuz several times I have heard from ppl on here and all over google that paiting the walls...
  10. C

    first attempt a fail?

    what do u mean wheres the rest? the rest of what?
  11. C

    first attempt a fail?

    well im about to start a new seed. What soil do u guys recommand?
  12. C

    first attempt a fail?

    the temp is around 60. the only nutes is mg food plant
  13. C

    first attempt a fail?

    here are some pics of what i got going and how it looks. any advice would be helpfull for nextime
  14. C

    Could this just be from too much water?

    The soil i got was VERY wet when I transplanted. this picture is the bottom of my plant. See how the leaves are sagging wayyy down. If the soil drys up it should fix the problem right? Or could be something else? Thanks for the help guys
  15. C

    Soil Question

    I went out and transplanted my plant into a bigger bucket and fresh soil. The soil is just SOIL theres nothing in it. Right now ALL i have is mircale grow houseplant food liquid 8-7-6. My question is what else could I buy that would be good nurts for the plant? Since the soil is just plain...
  16. C

    question about height and width

    thats extacly what I needed. Thank you. this is my first grow and I wish I had someone here to help me with this process. I dont wanna mess soemthing up lol
  17. C

    question about height and width

    my question is, i just transplanted 2 days ago and I was woundering how do i get my plant to start growing weidth wise and not height? my grow enveritment is a cloest and I cant let it get anyway higher then it is, lol. I need it to bush out, and also a few freinds told me that it would grow...
  18. C

    Soil question

    How deep does the soil need to be for just one plant only?
  19. C

    Any advice?

    50 bucks huh? How is that when ppl are saying almost 100 bucks for the lights alone? Im new to this. I never once said I was gods gift to growing pot. im new bro. i just need like a basic grow equitment advice ( alist of things that I need to grow 1 plant) it doesnt have to be skunk shit, just wheel
  20. C

    Any advice?

    4 months. No idea. i mean I would love for my first plant (this one) to preduce. all over the internet its about growing REALLY GOOD pot. I dont care if its not the best. at long as its not brown, I dont care, lol. U know what i Mean? i dont care if the thing takes 4 more months, i just want to...