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  1. jJacKSon

    Can you vegg & flower using just an AeroGarden?

    Hello Winnn. Looks like you're getting your questions answered. jackinthebox makes a great point about height being restricted under an AG, so you'll be wanting to switch to 12/12 pretty quick after you see intersecting branching. I also think his idea of adding side lighting is important...
  2. jJacKSon

    The why I am Bi Journal!

    Hey Ace, I think the pic you're referring to is one of the plant chopped up and hanging from a drying rack. It's one plant in many pieces. Still running slow but making progress. The first pic is of the temporary space for the ladies in 12/12. They'll hang out like while I get the rest of the...
  3. jJacKSon


    I moved a plant outside and then back in. I ended up with critters galore (spider mites). I'd strongly recommend against moving it out and then back in. IMHO :peace: jJ
  4. jJacKSon

    Please Help?????

    Wow, 4 1000 HPS tells me you're not so new to the growing thing. Spider mites can slow down flowering and overall growth BIG time. If you've got mites bad, ladybugs probably are not enough to fight the fight. Have you done a manual washing of each plant, especially spraying underneath the...
  5. jJacKSon

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    Hey menace, just checking out your journal and will be following along. LOVE the charts! I do the same; it gives me a sense of control and allows me to look back on adjustments I've made as time goes by. You mention your cuttings maybe not "making it." Why's that? :peace: jJ
  6. jJacKSon

    First E&F grow in homemade bucket system

    Wishing you a girl! I'm subscribing and will be following along. Best of luck. :peace: jJ
  7. jJacKSon

    From Birth to Finish

    P.S. Be cautious with tap water. Consider getting a Brita pitcher or similar to pull a good chunk of crap out of the water. Chlorine might be a reason you're seeing those brown tips, but I'm just taking a stab in the dark here. :peace: jJ
  8. jJacKSon

    From Birth to Finish

    Hello Mh41. Just a couple of quick thoughts I had. Watering once a day is probably too much, IMO. You risk damping off which is where the stems get all gnarly at the soil line and then the plants die. Over watering was my number one issue when I started growing, so I know it's hard not to get in...
  9. jJacKSon

    Can you vegg & flower using just an AeroGarden?

    PS: Are you going to start journaling? :peace: jJ
  10. jJacKSon

    Can you vegg & flower using just an AeroGarden?

    Hello winnn420. Since it's your 1st time out the gate, you won't be wasting your time. You'll be able to flower, you just won't get the nice, tight buds you'd see using HPS. But hey, you're doing it man! That's more than many can say. We all had to start somewhere before we could evolve. Best of...
  11. jJacKSon

    My Current set up: journal?

    Hey VV! Subscribing to your journal :peace: jJ
  12. jJacKSon

    The why I am Bi Journal!

    Man, I'm old! Cannot believe it's already evening! Spent hours at the grow store this a.m.; next, I got baked and went with a friend and our dogs for a mountain drive; stopped for Mexican (ummmm... green chili) and am finally home. So tired and baked that I'm not even emptying out the...
  13. jJacKSon

    The why I am Bi Journal!

    At least I will be bi soon (soil & hydro running at the same time for a little while ). Hello all. I previously did an intro here. VV suggested I start journaling. So, I'm jumping in. Thanks for having me! I am currently a soil grower but am moving to hydro for a few reasons. 1 is that the...
  14. jJacKSon

    New Member / Old Soil Grower

    I don't know what the name of the new set up is; I'll have to ask what I'm buying when I hit the grow store. It's hydro, kind of, but uses a "soiless medium" in approximately 16 square foot trays. I'll check out some journals here and find out what it's called. I've been looking at it for the...
  15. jJacKSon

    Quick Pic

    I realized that I introduced myself (here) without posting a pic to show I'm not all show, no grow. The attachment is Blueberry (origin unknown) with 4 more weeks to go. :peace: jj
  16. jJacKSon

    Welcome New Members!

    I introduced myself here. :peace: jj
  17. jJacKSon

    New Member / Old Soil Grower

    Hello! I'm a basement soil grower doing the perpetual harvest thing. A few plants into 12/12 with a few harvested each week for almost 5 years now. On-line communities of marijuana growers have made me nervous, but I've decided to give this one a go. I hope to make some other knowledgeable...