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  1. S

    Caution Synthetic urine does not work...anymore.

    I was just talking with a friend and they had me watch a you tube video that illustrates this exact thing. The guy on the video tells about the problems he had with quick fix. At the end of the video he tells of where to obtain a "good sample". I don't know if the video is fake but it sure seems...
  2. S

    Caution Synthetic urine does not work...anymore.

    I have used synthetic urine several times with success the last time was in 2006. However I am going to a job interview on Monday and will have to pass another privacy invading test.I personaly know the H.R. representative for this company my friend informed me that Lab-Corp the company they use...
  3. S

    Quitting smoking weed.... (no really, I'm serious)

    Holy shit me too I used to burn down all day everyday for more than half of my life. i am on my second day of sobriety and it sucks. At least u get too quit as a personal choice. Hopefully in the next 10 years it will be legal.
  4. S

    Important ventilation question for my grow tents.

    The only reason was to save money on carbon filters I have to stay covert and it is hard to get supplies in my area but another 70 dollar filter is worth the peace of mind I will take your advice. I think that will work good I can use a passive intake on both tents. Thank you and I...
  5. S

    Important ventilation question for my grow tents.

    I am a first timer and have some questions about my ventilation setup. First thing let me explain my setup so you know the situation. I Have The secret Jardin Dark TwinII with the a grow panel 14 watt led up top and a 90 watt UFO led in larger bottom tent. 4 home made deep water culture setups...