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  1. H

    If you are using tap water for your plants..

    All I can say is check out the book "The Fluoride Deception": By Christopher Bryson -- This book is hard-hitting and extensively referenced, I loaned a copy from my University's Science Library. It tells the shocking story of Fluoride's extreme toxicity, its necessary role in making nuclear...
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    Cooling the garage.

    nice garage dude
  3. H

    New Computer Art

    I made it on the computer using paint, photoshop and weed smoke
  4. H

    Red Wine

    I like red wine. I like it on the dry side. My favorite is the Italian Sangiovese. Wish I could afford to drink it more often (I'm currently an unemployed college student).
  5. H

    You Go Barney Frank Rep. MA

    Thats great news.
  6. H

    Sexing Question (PICZ)

    Hey just want to double check with the experts here: Pic 1 I believe to be male Pic 2 I believe to be female Let me know what ya'll think
  7. H

    Drug dogs and marijuana

    Are you the ex-cop from the NGB - Never Get Busted video? You both make very similar arguments.
  8. H

    What happens if you don't add nutes to soil?

    I just started 12/12 after about 4 weeks of veg. Plants seem to be thriving in mix of topsoil, perlite and peat moss. Haven't added any nutes yet... what can I expect if I don't ever add any?
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    Techna's First Grow

    maybe try to put the lights directly above each plant for more symmetrical growth
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    Are You Diseased?

    research these terms: "georgia guidestones" "bohemian grove" "bilderberg group" "skull and bones" "eugenics"
  11. H

    Are You Diseased?

    Thats exactly how the discovery channel and most of the other corporate-controlled media wants you to think. They want you to feel completely worthless and insecure, in order to take advantage of you just about every way possible. Its a sick trend that continues to increase in its...
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    Greenhouse Kush

    good luck i want to get out to cali soon and get on the medi-weed train
  13. H

    Growing With worms

    What if you cut a worm in half when you dig the shovel into the ground? Will it still be a good 'omen'? Hey its happened to me I felt a bit guilty. On another note I grew some stuff in my bathroom using potting mix purchased at a store i would feed it old fruit/vegetable skins on the...
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    Leaves on a scrape

    i got a scrape im wondering if some leaves on it would help? any advice?
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    You might have a shot at getting the charges dropped due to illegal search and seizure. As far as I know, cops are allowed to pat down anyone they want to check for weapons. If they don't feel a weapon, they cannot search you. It would be hard for a cop to mistake a weed pipe for a weapon...
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    Peanut Shells for Breaking up soil?

    is it organic styrofoam?
  17. H

    Blue-ish tinted Plastic cover on reflector

    Is this like the cover that protects from scratches on cell phone screens? You know the thing you are supposed to remove when you buy it? Or is it something to enhance the blue spectrum for vegging? Should I remove this or keep it on for the rest of vegging? My plants seem to be doing ok...
  18. H

    Becoming a Lawyer

    I want to be a lawyer too. Almost done with my BA in philosophy. Probably going to take the LSAT's some time next year. The legal process is like a sporting event. Prosecution vs. Defense. Its a major rush when you WIN. I have some experience from fighting traffic tickets and and weed...
  19. H

    sugar water vs. molasses

    That was your first mistake bro