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  1. J

    26 days! I think is too small to be 26 days!? what do you guys think?

    and here goes a progression of 33 days! :D hope i get a lot of comments and sugestions, recomend some nutrients please, i got rid of the 3 cfls and got a 400w HPS - i got to say - What a difference! :D
  2. J

    26 days! I think is too small to be 26 days!? what do you guys think?

    What can i do?, i have it under 3 23 watt CFL - water every other day 18/6 lights... no nutrients or anything yet. i have a feeling that the ph of the water im using to water it with is too high, but im not sure... please help!
  3. J

    1st Grow Ever! Tell me what you think.

    Thanks for the help! Here's another UPDATE! :leaf:
  4. J

    1st Grow Ever! Tell me what you think.

    i have a question, if you look closely at the picture in the last update, you can notice that the right leaf is kind of burned. that happened because i was experimenting with light bulbs and apparently had one that was too hot, i obviously changed it after i noticed that the leaf was burning...
  5. J

    1st Grow Ever! Tell me what you think.

    the seeds i got from a half ounce that i got the other day, my plants are only 14 days old! as for the strain i'd say is all natural - i wouldn't give it a name lol
  6. J

    1st Grow Ever! Tell me what you think.

    the picture says it all!
  7. J

    1st Grow Ever! Tell me what you think.

    Yeah thanks, it's hard sometimes not to look at them all the time, i have 2 right now, one is bigger than the other, and im just hoping they are both females. i have a few questions, now that you guys talk about lighting. right now i have 2 23 watt cfls lighting the plants, and i have them...
  8. J

    1st Grow Ever! Tell me what you think.

    Thanks to all of you for your replies. i'm looking forward to this plant being huge and full of the precious buds - i will be keeping all of you up to date! thanks!
  9. J

    1st Grow Ever! Tell me what you think.

    Hey guys, im new to growing and i'm finally doing my first grow. i'm attaching pictures, tell me what you all think, thanks in advance.