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  1. R

    Males...Anything good out them?

    Of course you can use the males to make hash....I have been growing since the 70's... do you think when you get a 30 Lb 'pillow' of weed from Columbia they have removed the males..non-sense!! I remove my males when i do NOT want to 'seed' things. When making Sensemelia (without seeds) the males...
  2. R

    Does my plant need trimming? And can anyone tell what its sex is now? AND YELLOW!!

    hey there, the plants look great at this point. and as far as sex goes I am betting based on the size that you are growing bitches. But as most hav correctly said its too early to tell 4sure. I have been growing since 1975 or so and the best advice I can give ya is what someone (Kalebaiden)...
  3. R

    Gout medicine 1976, Anyone else experienced?

    My first foray into coulchine. I germinated the seeds in this poison and it killed over 80% of them. This old picture is of two plants that survived the doseing and are litteraly the 'Mother' plants of my crop of today. Now keep in mind there have been many many crosses since then. And the 1st...
  4. R

    My 2 cents on profit for caregivers

    The legalization here in Michigan has made the price/ donations for "Medical" weed crazy. Some are charging &20.00 a gram and getting it all day with one third going to the 'club' and two thirds to the grower. If you do the math thats roughly 3K(Thousand) a pound for the club and 6K a pound for...
  5. R

    My 2 cents on profit for caregivers

    Well since the sale of weed is not legal anywhere in the United States. (please correct me if I am wrong). Then when a caregiver accepts donations to aid in the cost of production, a portion, if not all goes toward the propagation of the strain(s). Weather he or she makes a "profit" is...
  6. R

    Drying in a cool climate

    I have dried it living in South Florida in the spring with temps in the low 90's and humidity the same if not higher...never had a problem with mold;-) Everyone should remember...this is a WEED and its hard to screw it up!! Chill-lax.