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  1. chase2216

    Welcome New Members!

    hello everyone im new to growing the green and think i have a male on my hands ill try to upload a few pics hopefully someone may be able to help me determine sex happy growing.
  2. chase2216

    Help help my girls are sick please help

    upwards but its ok i figured out i was giving too many nutes i just thanks though
  3. chase2216

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello everyone im pretty new @ this and need help, how do you post pics my first grow has gone pretty well with a couple small slips on overfeeding both water and nutes but my plant seems to want to grow no matter what i do to it, pretty stuburn plant it looks real healthy and is growing fast i...
  4. chase2216

    Help help my girls are sick please help

    my 1 month old plant is growing in perlite ,vermiculite etc.. she has 4-24" flouros on her she has been doing ok up until a week ago the bottom leaves starting curling and now its moving up the plant temp is 20oC-25oC with humidity around 58% what can i do i flushed plants and adjusted ph but...
  5. chase2216

    hydrogen peroxide Q's

    hey man i gave some to my plant wich had a little root rouhgt and two much water and now she/he dont know sex yet is doin great under four 20 watt flouros 24" lights i read that 3% hydro peroxide is best and to delute it, 1 ounce per litre hope this can help you so far so good i could hear...
  6. chase2216

    hydrogen peroxide Q's

    have you found out anything more on this subject please let me know