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  1. B

    Newb Looking for Help

    Hey guys, just a first time grower looking for help. Anyway, I plan on growing white widow. My seeds will be here very shortly in a pack of 10. My question is assuming half are female, so about 5 plants, how many mH and HPS lights should i get? I understand they're different just wondering how...
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    Che Guevara Flags in Obama's Houston Office

    It's quite unfortunate how hypocritical our society is. The muderer, the rapist, and the theif have easier sentences than someone who simply deals say marijuana. What happened to the TRUE American value of freedom and the right to privacy? it all disappeared when our fellow smoker (Jefferson)...
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    Video to watch totally baked

    This made me laugh my ass off. The Japanese continue their unending weirdness campaign with this little ditty. Japanese Ronald McDonald Insanity Video Maybe it's their legal shrooms (RIP 2002)
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    Che Guevara Flags in Obama's Houston Office

    Following the collapse of the Batista regime, Guevara served as commander of the La Cabaña prison, where he personally presided over the extrajudicial executions of hundreds-perhaps thousands-of former regime officials and opponents of Castro's dictatorship. Former dissident Armando Valladares...
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    Another Ron Paul Article

    HotNsexy, I have to say, it's extremely refreshing and sensational to see such an articulately written response as yours. Obviously, minimum wage is an issue that people like to support but not understand. Ron Paul's economic plan does not run on changing one small policy, it works when you...